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Gibbs pov


"The basement needs some work. But if it doesn't shout wine cellar, I don't know what does. Have a look and I'll be right back," Marny, my retailer, informs a potential buyer as I am carrying a box full of memories, I open a child's lunch box to see it is full of photos of Shannon and Kelly making me smile sadly. I miss them, I miss them so much.

"First my wife, now my house?" I ask Fornell as he walks down the stairs into the basement were I am cleaning the basement.

"No! No, I learned my lesson. I'm through with your leftovers. You're going to need a bigger box for that boat," Fornell informs me making me smirk because Alice told me the same thing, alone with that I will need a bigger box to take her with me because she doesn't want to lose a bet. But I don't know what bet or who it is with.

"You come all the way out here to give me packing tips, Tobias?"

"Actually, I came to tell you that Petty Officer Derrick Paulson escaped from prison yesterday."

"No!" I answer after a moment of silence, he has to be in prison and I am retired so I can't put him back and I'm not helping Fornell put him back in prison.

"I haven't asked you anything yet. You caught him last time. Figured you might like to catch him again."

"You thought wrong."

"He came to see me, Jethro, when I was with Emily."

"IS she okay?" I ask him in fear, she has to be okay. Emily is only eight and Fornell's daughter.

"For now. He just wanted to tell me that I got the wrong man, then strongly suggested that I reopen his case to prove it."

"He's risking a lot for something he knows can't happen."

"You think? I don't know what his game is, but I'm not going to get a good night's sleep until that S.O.B. is back behind bars."

"You don't need me to find him."

"Need?" Fornell demand before angry stating, "A convicted killer was two inches from my daughter! Handing her crayons! He touched her! We're way beyond need, Jethro!" after a moment he exclaims in disgust, "Nice tan." Fornell storms away before I look down at the photos in my hands before slamming back down on the work bench.


"Open you're... Gibbs," Tony exclaims as I storm through the squad room on the way up to the director's office.

"What is?" McGee begins asking but Tony cuts him off.

"I have no idea," Tony answers him before I am out of hearing range.

"Agent Gibbs! I'm... mister" Cynthia stutters out before I storm into Shepard's office. Slamming the door open and then closed again, announcing my presents.

"Just as I was getting used to my door being treated as a door," Shepard complains before turning back to her call and saying, "I'll call you back, Todd."

"I need a temporary reinstatement," I snap at her as she ends the call.

"I assume you're here because of ex-petty officer Derrick Paulson? I read Agent Fornell's report. Why the sudden, if temporary, interest in bank robbers?" Shepard teases me but I'm not in the mood.

"If you've read Fornell's report, Jen, then you already know. We're wasting time."

"It's not that simple, Jethro. I appreciate what you did for Ziva, but this is not some gym membership that you can turn on and off."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now