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"Hey, finish that database yet, probie?" Tony asks McGee as I work at 'my' desk.

"Yesterday," McGee answers him.

"Well then it should have been on my desk yesterday, shouldn't it?"

"I didn't realize a compilation of nudie bars was that urgent."

"Well it is."


"I don't have to explain myself to a junior agent."

"Okay, is this work related because...?"

"But I will just this once. It's a mercy mission, probie. A buddy of mine is getting married to a particularly unpleasant beast of a women."


"So? So the memory of his bachelor party will be the only thing that sustains him through the rest of his miserable existence."

"Or until he can get a divorce," I remind Tony of his friends other alternative.

"I will print it out as soon as I'm finished with this, okay?" McGee promise while typing away at his computer making me roll my eyes at the man-children.

"Oh behalf of men everywhere we thank you, probie. What are you working on?" Tony asks McGee behind McGee to look over his shoulder.

"I'm reviewing my credit card statement.... There appears to be some anomalies."

"Fifty DVD copies of Forrest Hump?"

"Yeah, see I don't even know what a Forrest hump is."

"Well, it's like Forrest Gump with naked people, probie."


"It's a porno... or so I've been told."

"It's... it's obviously an error with the credit card company."

"Or its identity theft!"

"No. It's not possible. I use a secure browser and the latest firewall protection."

"And who would want to steal McGee's identity, I wouldn't," I add.

"Look at that. A five thousand dollar charge from John Deere. A down payment on that combine you've always dreamed of, Probie," Tony comments.

"Put the farm equipment on hold. A sailor was shot on route two forty nine. Tony, grab the gear. Green Acres gas the truck. Where the hell is David?" Gibbs demands while sweeping throw the squad room to his desk making me blink at the fact Ziva's not here, I didn't even notice.

"Ah, boss, Officer David is... uh" McGee stutters out.

"Late. I took the wrong bus this morning. Had to walk from the eighteenth street stop," Ziva cuts McGee off.

"I thought Mossad starts at zero five hundred but you can't get here at zero seven hundred," I tease her.

"That's a tough part of town," Tony says to Ziva who is glaring at me.

"I've been in worse. Won't happen again, Gibbs," Ziva promises Gibbs while placing her bag behind her desk as we all get our gear to leave.

"I know," Gibbs says to her while leading up the elevator making Ziva run after us.


"Special Agent Gibbs?" Hampton, a local cop, asks Tony when we arrive at the road side where the victim's car is.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now