Jeopardy *

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"He's a newbie," Gibbs comments as we walk over to the elevator to see Ziva crouched next to our suspect checking his pulse.

"He's dead," Ziva suddenly informs us in fear.


"I've been traveling to crime scenes for a great many years, but I can say with complete confidence, this is the shortest commute I have ever had," Ducky comments as he looks at the body as Ziva sits seething at her desk.

"And one of the first time I didn't get us lost," Jimmy comments as he.


"All your, Duck," Tony comments as he exits the elevator.

"Sure appreciate all the help, Tony," McGee comments as he is in the outfit we normally wear at crime scenes of a black NCIS windbreaker.

"That's a nice outfit, Probie."

"Okay, the handbook says that we are required to wear this outfit at all active crime scenes. You know that."

"Yeah, but not in our own building. That's like wearing a nametag in your own apartment," I state.

"Tony? Come here. How is she holding up?" Ducky asks while looking over to Ziva.

"Oh, I uh... I don't know. I haven't talked to her yet," Tony admits.

"May I ask why?"

"Because I told him not to, Ducky," Gibbs informs him as he walks over to us carrying a coffee cup and wearing his jacket but not his windbreaker.

"Excuse me," Jimmy says to Gibbs as he moves past Gibbs.

"Right now she's a suspect, not an investigator."

"I want to know who the hell broke this mirror or dropped a wine glass, giving us all this bad luck. First Kate dies, and then Tony accused of murder and McGee shots a Metro detective. Then Abby's stalker planned her suicide and she almost gets killed by a hired assassin, and now Ziva kills a suspect. We need to work out our luck and make it better," I complain.

"Boss, you don't think Ziva's really capable of this, do you? Well, I mean she's capable of it, but... you don't really think that she would just," McGee stutters out.

"Kill someone?" Gibbs finishes for him.

"Not without a good reason."

"Look, we all know that Ziva has crazy ninja skills but, I mean, she's got some self-control, right? Not a lot, some? Never mind," Tony tries to defend his partner but we just give him a look making recant.

"Forgive me for overstepping, Jethro, but you and I both know that this is far beyond Officer David's character," Ducky defends Ziva.

"It's not me or you I'm worried about right now, Duck. We have a cause of death?" Gibbs asks him.

"Well, at this point I'd only be speculating. We won't know anything specific until I get him back... well, downstairs, I suppose."

"No bruising?" I ask him.

"Yeah, well the only injury I've been able to find is this on the top of his head here. Ow! Sorry," Ducky apologies when he bumps his head into Gibbs as they both look at the mark on the top of the head.

"I'll zig, you zag," Gibbs informs him.

"Here, allow me," Ducky says before moving the victim's head so Gibbs and I can see the mark, Gibbs is crouched down next to the victim and I am looking over his shoulder.

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