Driven *

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"Lights please. From the video presentation, it's clear that sexual harassment can take many forms in the work place. A co-worker with 'elevator eyes' looking you up and down. A co-worker shows you a cartoon or photo of sexual nature," Taylor, the sexual harassment lady, lectures us about well sexual harassment. We couldn't find a case this time, so we're spread out around the room. Tony is sitting beside McGee and Ziva is sitting behind Tony. Abby is near McGee, while Gibbs is standing next to McGee and I am standing in front of Gibbs with his arms around me, holding me against his chest. And Shepard is sitting on the printer desk next to Gibbs.

"IF you're lucky," Tony says to McGee making me smirk, he's not going to get that, ever. Taylor keeps glaring at Gibbs and me but we're here, we're not going to stand apart to make her happy.

"A co-worker's hand accidentally brushes up against your body," Taylor adds as she pointedly looks at Gibbs' arm around my chest and resting on my hip.

"If you're really lucky," Ziva teases Tony.

"Physical contact can be divided into three categories. Green light includes normal behaviour. Yellow light includes borderline behaviour such as hugging someone or," Taylor continues as Abby stands up and Shepard gives a look, but Gibbs just looks back patiently. Taylor asks Abby, "Yes?"

"What's wrong with hugging people? I hug people all the time!" Abby exclaims in confusion.

"You may see it as friendly, but your co-workers may find it offensive," Taylor explains.

"You guys get offended when I hug you?" Abby asks us in surprise and in fear that she offended us.

"No," we all answer her.

"I'm hugging you all in my mind right now," Abby informs us as she places both hands of her chest.

"D.O.D. policy is very clear about this point, miss. You must first ask permission before making physical contact with a co-worker," Taylor informs Abby.

"Like... every time?"

"Yes. And finally, there's red light behaviour such as deliberate, unwelcomed, touching," Taylor explains right before Ziva sticks her tongue in Tony's ear, making his shout and jump to his feet. Taylor demands of him, "Another question?"

"Yeah. What is you slap someone in the back of the head like this?" Tony asks before smacking McGee on the back of the head and McGee returns the action by hitting Tony in the balls making Tony gasp in pain before continuing his question, "Would that be considered an inappropriate behaviour?"

"Absolutely. Are you saying that this has actually happened?" Taylor demands of Tony making him look at Gibbs who just glares back.

"No, I was just wondering. That's all."

"Yes?" Taylor asks Jimmy who has his hand in the air instead of standing up and asking the question.

"Uh, yes. Uh... what if part of your job," Jimmy begins.

"Gibbs," Gibbs answers his ringing phone and turning away from Taylor to listen to a maybe case.

"...includes touching naked people, and..."

"That's inappropriate at any time," Taylor snaps at Jimmy.

"Even if they're dead?"

"Why are you touching dead, naked people?"

"You see, I work in autopsy."

"Can we try to keep this discussion focused on the topic?"

"Gear up!" Gibbs orders us before turning to Shepard and informing her, "Navy Lieutenant's been found dead in an R and D facility in Fairfax."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now