Friends & Lovers

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"Okay. Right by my ear," Lee says to Ziva in the NCIS basement, she throws the knife but instead of the target in front of her, she almost kills Gibbs and me as we walk up behind them. The knife slides right past my cheek, I reach up and place my finger on my cheek before removing it only to see blood. Lee cut my cheek. Gibbs is wearing a white shirt under a dark shirt and a black jacket today. I am wearing a white shirt, tucked into bell, bottom, blue jeans that are tight around my ass and become loose around my knees. The tops of my combat boots are under my pants and I am wearing the leather jacket Ducky gave me for my eighteenth birthday, I am also wearing my horse belt that Gibbs gave me.

"I thought you said you grew up around weapons?" Ziva asks Lee in confusion without noticing us yet.

"I did. I didn't say my father actually let me touch any of them," Lee defends herself as I pick up someone's towel and hold it to the cut. The knife wasn't really sharp but it was sharp enough to cut me shallowly. I don't think it's going to need stitches but Lee will when Gibbs' notices.

"Okay. Uh... it's my fault, Gibbs. I was," Ziva begins to defend Lee as she notices us.

"Save it! We've got a dead sailor in Georgetown. Grab your gear," Gibbs overlaps Ziva as I pull the knife out of the wall and returned it to Lee.

"Thank you," Lee says to me as I leave with the team.

"Are you alright Alice?" Tony asks me as I put the towel down on the floor before Gibbs can see but Gibbs hears Tony as we step into the elevator, making him look at me and see the cut.

"I'm fine," I answer Tony but Gibbs isn't listening to me, he gently grabs my chin so that he can turn my head to look at the cut.

"You're bleeding," Gibbs states as he looks it over.

"It's fine... Jethro, I have had deeper cuts when I shave my legs," I dismiss the cut but Gibbs isn't having any of it. I glare at Tony for calling attention to the cut. This is going to be a long case, Gibbs is going to be impossibly over protective.


"Pulled his I.D. Found our victim was a sailor. Call you. Couple found him here last night. Supposed this is where they had their first date. Guy got the keys from the landlord, and wanted to propose," Morris, the local native American detective, informs us in the abandoned restaurant where the body was found.

"Well, nothing says I love you like a rotting corpse in an abandoned crap hole," Tony comments.

"What did she say?" I ask the detective.

"She says she wants this back before he changes his mind," Carson, another Caucasian detective, informs me as he hold up the ring, before looking me up and down but I don't notice because I am looking over the crime screen.

"Yeesh. And they say romance is dead," Tony jokes.

"It is... best you can do is find someone who drinks the same poison as you," I inform Tony as I continue to look around.

"Wallet was found next to the body. No money, no credit cards. Just a military ID and driver's license," Morris informs us.

"Robbed," Gibbs asks him.

"I'd be curious to know how he died, Agent Gibbs," Morris informs him.

"When we know, Detective Morris, you will know," I promise him.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now