Brothers in Arms *

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"Name's Troy Webster. He had information I needed," Shepard informs us tightly as she is getting checked out at ambulance since meeting this 'informant' in an alleyway this morning at 4 am. She got the informant killed because she is on a vengeance mission.

"The frog," Gibbs and I state together.

"Getting La Grenouille on ARES is off-limits," Shepard snaps sadly. Before continuing, "But with what Webster had, I still could have nailed Grenouille to the wall."

"And the reason we're finding out about this right now," I demand of her because she sounds like a pissed of wife, not a federal agencies director.

"Or are you gonna quote rule four to me again?" Gibbs demands of her.

"Are you gonna quote rule one back at me?" Shepard snaps back at Gibbs.

"What were you doing out here alone?"

"I can take care of myself, Jethro."

"Right," I say in disbelief.

"Who was taking care of him?" Gibbs demands of her.

"Well, from this point forward, that would be me," Ducky informs us as he walks up to us making Shepard walk of towards the body. Ducky then asks us, "Well, it's not anything said."

"She's pissed that her revenge mission is out in the open because she killed her partner," I inform Ducky.

"Any witnesses get an ID on the vehicle?" Ziva asks as Shepard walks into the crime scene. I can hear it from where I am standing at the ambulance with Ducky and Gibbs.

"All I got is some kind of truck. Plates were missing," McGee answers her while checking his notebook.

"It was a dark Limited edition, ford excursion. Tinted windows. Off-road tires. Broken taillight. And, uh... now missing a rear window," Shepard informs them as Ducky walks over to the body and Gibbs and I walk around the perimeter where we can still here without being under everyone's feet.

"You got off a few rounds," Tony comments as he holds ups up the bullet casing.

"I don't take kindly to being shot at."

"Was he shooting you or him?" Gibbs demands of her as he nodes at the body and moves closer to his team.

"Director of NCIS is a high-value target," Ziva comments.

"Whereas this is," McGee begins.

"His name is Troy Webster," Shepard informs them after a moment of silence when they all exchange looks releasing they don't know anything about this guy.


"Tory Webster. Never met a dollar he couldn't launder," Tony says as he puts the victims photo from before he died on the plasma screen about my desk we are all watching including the director.

"A certified CPA with offices int eh Isle of Mann, Dubai and the Caymans," Ziva adds.

"His number one client," McGee begins as Tony hits the button on the remote putting up the client.

"The frog," Gibbs and I say together.

"La Grenouille," Shepard corrects us like it's her name we're getting wrong.

"Your favourite international arms dealer and mine," Tony teases her.

"Wasn't Webster's favourite. At least not anymore"

"They had a falling out?" Ziva asks her in surprise with her arms crossed.

"Webster woke up one day, and realized he had sold his soul to the devil."

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