Oops *

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"Old man what to play?" I continue to tease him making him fake glare at me.

"I'll show you just how old I am," Gibbs promise me as he leans in, kissing me properly. He pins me against the bench. I run my hand up his back and run it through his hair, kissing him back. Gibbs breaks the kiss and I kiss down his neck. I find the spot behind his right ear, and begin to suck on it, leaving a mark. Gibbs runs his hand down my body until it reaches my ass where he squeezes it making me moan. He used his grip on my ass to lift me onto the work bench. Once I am seated on the bench, Gibbs steps up between my open legs, pushing his growing bulge between them.

"Jethro," I gasp out as he smirks down at me.

"Alice," Gibbs whispers in my ear before placing a kiss on my head about the ear, before moving back to my lips for a kiss.

Gibbs continues to kiss my lips while running his hands up my body until he reaches my breast that he palms them making me moan into his mouth. He continues to palm my right breast while he moves his other hand down my body and grabs the bottom of my shirt and lifts it over my head. To get it off of my body Gibbs has to break the kiss, once the shirt it out of his way he drops the shirt onto the dirty floor and drops his head to kiss the top of my breast making me moan in pleasure. Gibbs gently pulls my bra down so that my left break falls out into the cold basement air, which he quickly engulfs into his warm mouth, which is a stark comparison to the air. He sucks on it before releasing it from his mouth and blows on it making me gasp out in surprise because I didn't expect him to do that.

"Jethro," I moan making him chuckle as he undoes the bra completely and drops it on the ground as he engulfs me other breast into his mouth. I grip his hair as run my other hand down his back. Gibbs gently bits that nipple making me moan again.

I run my hand up under his shirt over his back. I move the shirt up his body until it is just below his arms because he is running his hand over my body. I pull on the shirt until he finally stops kissing my breast long enough to remove the shirt before returning his attention back to my breasts while I drop the shirt onto the ground.

Gibbs continues to suck on my breast as he pulls and twist the other with his hand, making me moan again. I grip Gibbs hair with one hand and his back with the other. I pull on Gibbs hair as he lightly scraps his teeth along the nipple, before blowing on it again and then engulfing it in his mouth, teasing me. Gibbs begins to grind his bulge into me, giving us the friction we both need.

"Gibbs," a voice says from the stairs, followed by the sound of something hitting the ground...


Gibbs removes his mouth from my breast and looks over at the stairs while attempting to hide my body from the visitor. He stands up straight, no longer leaning over me. I cross my arms over my naked breast encase the person can see me, but I hope they can't because I recognize that voice. I can feel the blush traveling up from under my breast to my cheeks.

"What?" Gibbs snaps at the person.

"Um... I need advice," the person inform Gibbs slowly as he looks everywhere but at me and Gibbs who isn't wearing a shirt and looks like he could kill the person with a signal look from being interrupted.

"Mm-hmm," Gibbs hums as he continues to glare at the person unit the person turns around so Gibbs can lean down and pick up his shirt which he hands to me. I pull the shirt on before jumping off the work bench, standing on the ground and kick my bra and shirt under the work bench so that the person can't look at it. I'm just glade that the person walked in know instead of in a little bit when we were even more undressed.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now