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"Your sacrifice is noted and appreciated. Let's talk outfit," Shepard says to Abby because her and Ziva is helping Abby get ready for her caught date, in the director's office.

"I say you just go with the heels," Tony exclaims before growling like a rouge animal. We all glare at him and I hit in on the arm making him add innocently, "Is that inappropriate? Sorry. Nice gym shoes there, Abs!"

"Can we help you, Agent DiNozzo? Todd?"

"Yes, we're here to collect Officer Da-vid. Gibbs got the bat signal. Sorry Abby, you can't get into a pillow fight with the four-by-two," I inform them. We walk out of the Director's office and down to the squad room.

"I showed up just in time. Another minute and you guys would've been braiding each other's hair," Tony exclaims as we get our gear to leave.

"And who knows where that can lead to, Tony. Where are we going?" Ziva baits Tony.

"Little Creek," Gibbs answers her.

"Little Creek Base?"

"Actually, an off-base Navy lodging facility. Used mostly by TDY personnel and visiting family. Apparently there was some kind of bloodbath," McGee informs us.

"Mondays. What's the body count?" Tony inquires.

"Who said anything about a body, DiNozzo?" Gibbs demands of Tony.


"I'm just saying that wouldn't have happened at the Marriott," Lillian, one of the people who found the bloody room, informs us.

"Excuse me for not checking the axe-murderer policy when I made the reservation," Albert, her husband, exclaims to his 'loving' wife.

"Did you request this specific room when you called the lodge?" McGee asks them.

"No, we requested the one with the eviscerated squirrels, but this is all they had," Lillian explains.

"What the hell kind of question is that?!" Albert demands of us.

"Our last one," Gibbs informs them before we walk away.

"Did I mention we have over a hundred channels in crisp, clear able?" Frank, the owner of this hotel, attempts to keep his clients.

"Talk to me, DiNozzo."

"Occupants checked out two days ago. Room was cleaned yesterday then locked tight," Tony reports.

"No sign of forced entry?" I ask him.

"No, but a precious guest could have kept a key. We're going over lists," Ziva informs of us.

"Field test says the blood was human," Tony adds.

"We don't know what parts those are. Doctor Mallard is still working on the bathroom."

"I'd take an umbrella if you go in there," Jimmy informs us as we walk into the hotel room.

"It doesn't make sense, does it, boss? If it's a prank, it should be animal blood. If it's a satanic ritual, where are the pentagrams?" Tony asks us as we look around the bloodbath.

"It could have been an interrogation that got out of control," Ziva offers.

"Or a drug deal gone bad," McGee adds.

"Look at this. How bad does a drug deal have to go for you to leave the drugs behind?" I ask McGee while picking up the drugs out of a draw I have just open.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now