Twisted Sister

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"McGee's not answering his cell phone, pager, or My-Space IM," Ziva informs us in the squad room when McGee's late today.

"McGee on My-Space. I've got to see that," Tony laughs at McGee and he's not even here to defend himself.

"Keep calling," Gibbs orders us.

"Still trying to get into his calendar, boss."

"You know, I'm not sure what the problem is. When I was framed by the Iranians for murder, I was late for many hours before anyone noticed," Ziva reminds us.

"You're not McGee, bitch. He's been early since before he worked here, but you've been late every day since you started. That's why were worried about him and not you," I explain to her as I work on finding McGee from my desk.

"Mc-Timex's brain is hard-wired for punctuality. And sadly, scaring away potential mates. There we go! No doctors' appointments. He does have a personal trainer four times a week! And tomorrow, an eight a.m. appointment at a Harley Davidson dealership? Either McGee's won the lottery or he's got a sugar daddy," Tony teases McGee again.

"Yeah, Gibbs... Where?" Gibbs answers his phone before hanging up after a moment.

"Dead?" Tony asks and my heart stops, this body better not be McGee or so help me god, I'll kill him myself.

"Sailor. Waverly campus. Gear up," Gibbs answers making me sigh in relief only to feel bad. I'm glad it's not McGee but I feel bad that I'm glad it's someone else's friend who is dead.

"What about McGee? We haven't found him yet."

"I did. Or rather he found me. Sent me an email. 'Woke up sick. Laryngitis. Won't be coming into work today.' You know, I bet he sent you one, too," Shepard informs us making Gibbs and I check my email to see we both got the same email from McGee.

"Are you still here?" Gibbs demands of us as I quickly respond to McGee's email, checking his okay and remind him he can text me if he needs anything. Soup, coffee, medicine, anything. After a moment Gibbs places a hand on my back to lead me past Shepard as he says to her, "Hmm."

"I can't believe I forgot to check your emails. Of course McGee emailed in," I complain feeling like an idiot.

"He emailed you too. And any of us could have checked our email, including Jen," Gibbs reminds me, making me feel better about myself.


"Well, that was quick," Tony comments at the crime scene in Quad, while looking at his camera in surprise.

"You solve this case already, DiNozzo?" Gibbs demands of him tightly.

"No. it's my hundredth body. Hey, listen, you wouldn't mind taking," Tony exclaims as he holds the camera out to Gibbs to take the photo of Tony with the poor victim. Gibbs glares at Tony making him change it to, "Sorry. It's a bad idea. It seemed less disgusting in my head."

"Tony, every idea you have is a bad idea," I inform him.

"BY comparison with what else is in there, I'm sure it was," Ziva agrees with me.

"Anything useful from the jogger, Ziva?" Gibbs demands a report.

"If 'I saw the body and I called the police' is useful, then yes. Otherwise, no. he can't tell how long the body's been here."

"Luckily, of course, I can. I must apologize for our tardiness. We had trouble parking the van. Homecoming. I would have thought McGee would have beaten me up here," Ducky rambles.

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