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"Ziva, I am not secretive," McGee exclaims as Ziva and him leave the elevator, arriving at work together for a change.

"Did you hear, that, Tony? Alice? McGee just said he's not secretive," Ziva exclaims as they walk into the squad room where Tony and I are working on paperwork.

"Hmm, let's see. Wrote a novel," Tony begins.

"Didn't tell us."

"Got it published."

"Didn't tell us."

"Made substantial amounts of money from said novel."

"Hmm. Didn't tell us."

"Anything else?"

"Bought a Porsche."

"Didn't tell us. Can you see how some people might begin to think there was a pattern of secretive behaviour emerging here, probie?"

"Okay, look, I might have been hiding stuff, but it was not secretive. It was just," McGee attempts to defend himself as he walks over to his own desk.

"Deceptive?" Ziva offers a word.

"Sneaky?" Tony offers another.

"Self-preservation. If I told you guys I was writing a novel, you would have laughed at me," McGee finish his own sentence.

"True," Tony and Ziva agree with him and each other for a change.

"Besides, everyone has secrets. I'll bet you two have some doozies."

"No," Tony snaps, too fast making me laugh at him.

"Of course, not... sex machine," I tease him making Tony glare at me, he thought that name died with Kate but I'm not letting it go.

"Ha!" Ziva laughs at Tony, even she knows that's too fast while trying to work out why I called Tony 'sex machine' I'm dating Gibbs not Tony.

"Ha? What ha. I said no," Tony hisses at Ziva as he ignores me and his old nickname.

"You said no too quickly."

'He did, didn't he?" McGee agrees with Ziva.

"What dark, dirty little secrets do you have that are making you so uncomfortable?" Ziva teases him and after a moment of silence she adds, "Does she have a name?"

"Who much air did it take to blow this one up?" I ask Tony next because he seems to only date air heads.


"Edenvale? Where the hell is Edenvale?" McGee demands as he uses the plasma screen above my desk.

"Keep scrolling, probie," Tony orders McGee.

"I'm scrolling. I'm telling you, I can't find it."

"It's not on the map."


"Boondocks, boss," Tony reports as Gibbs walks over to us.

"Pack a toothbrush," Gibbs orders us before offering me a hand that I take, and he pulls me away from his children.

"What are boondocks?" Ziva asks Tony and McGee in confusion.

"Da-da-da da da da da da da," Tony sings.

"Da-da-da da da da da da da," McGee sings next.

"Da-da-da da da da da da da," Tony sings.

"Da-da-da da da da da da da," McGee sings next.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now