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Thank you ShadowPhoenix34 for taking the time to answer my question for this chapter and future chapters.

And thank you Monkeyface-fan1 for giving me the idea on who to get to treat Alice for her condition.

"Hey baby. Are you alright?" Gibbs asks me softly in the squad room as I finish my paperwork today.

"I'm nervous," I whisper to him as I stop pretending that I'm getting work done.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Gibbs asks me as he sits on the edge of my desk.

"I don't know. I don't like doctors."

"I know you don't. Come on, I'll come and protect you from the big bad doctor," Gibbs whispers to me as me moves my hair behind my ear from where it fell into my eyes.

"Will you?" I ask him hopefully because I'm really scared of the doctors.

"OF course," Gibbs promises me before adding, "Come on baby. Let's go before your late."

"Yeah, yeah," I complain as I get up and grab my jacket as Gibbs grabs his own to go with me.

"You hate a lot of things. FBI, Shepard, Mann, doctors, Ari, school. It's kind of funny," Gibbs laughs at me as the elevator door opens and we step inside.

"I don't hate the FBI. I just hate the people who work for them. Big difference," I defend myself making Gibbs laugh harder.


Gibbs pov


I walk into the doctor's surgery with Alice, and over to the counter to check her in.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" the receptionist greets us with a smile.

"Hi... um my names Alice Todd, I have an appointment at 1530," Alice informs her shyly.

"Yes, thank you. Please take a seat and fill out this form. When you are done please bring it back to here and the doctor will be with you soon," the receptionist informs us as she hands Alice the form making us node before walking over to a couple of chairs and sitting down. I gently grab Alice's hand to make sure she knows I'm here for her. She begins filling out the form, as I pick up a couple of todays newspaper of the table to read as we wait for the doctor. After a little while Alice finishes filling out the form and returns it to the reception desk before moving back over to me and wrapping her arms around my arm and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Miss Todd," the doctor calls out to her after a long time of waiting. The doctor is a female with her hair pulled to the back of her head in a bun, she is wearing pink scrubs and according to her name take her name is Benoit...

"DO you want me to come with you baby?" I ask her softly as she stands up, I don't want to go if she wants to do this herself.

"I think I can do it," Alice says unsurely but she stills wants to do it herself, so I'll trust her.

"Okay, baby. If you need me, I'll be here," I agree with her as she nodes before walking over to the female doctor. I watch Alice walk out of the room before I return to the newspaper I am reading.

Time continues to crawl by as I wait for Alice to return from the doctor's with a, hopefully, clean bill of health and that she's having trouble breathing because of something we can chance so she gets better. After almost half an hour of talking Alice walks out.

"Hey, how'd it go, baby?" I ask Alice as she walks over to me.

"I have to get a lung function test, x-ray and a blood test done. And return," Alice informs me sadly making me node as I walk over to the receptionist desk to book the next appointment.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now