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"Ooh, yeah, baby! Come on. Ooh. Come on, come on. Oh, yikes," Tony says while clicking away at his computer as we work at our respective desk in the squad room while Ziva reads about American slang to understand Tony more easily. Today I decided to wear a white t-shirt with jeans and my horse belt that Gibbs replaced when Tony and Kate destroyed it.

"I'm trying to concentrate," Ziva demands of Tony.

"That makes two of us, then, doesn't it, Ziva?"

"Yeah, me and McGee. Gibbs too if you count him," I input into Tony and Ziva's conversation without looking up from the computer I am working at.

"Is it work-related?" Ziva asks Tony while ignoring me because she has finally worked out if she ignores me it is lease likely for me to throw my dog food at her.

"Of course it's work-related, Ziva," Tony says to Ziva.

"Judge My Trash-dot-com?" McGee reads out what has Tony's attention.

"Hey, a little privacy here, probie!" Tony exclaims while pushing McGee away from his desk, making McGee flash is ass from under his suit jacket making Ziva judge it.

"I give it a four," Ziva informs McGee.

"Are you kidding? Four?" McGee exclaims in insult, how is his ass the topic of conversation?

"Out of five, I think that's good. Isn't it?"

"Out of five."

"What do you think about this one? Come on. Come on," Tony ask while sticking his ass out making me roll my ass, I don't want to see their asses, now if we... I were judging Gibbs ass that would be different and I would definitely want to touch it so I can give it an accurate ratting.

"No. I will not get involved with this any further. Gibbs always seems to be just around the corner. No. no! no!" Ziva exclaims in fear of getting into trouble while talking over Tony.

"Come on. Give me a little here. Give me a little something. Come on! What do you think? Rate it," Tony orders Ziva over her exclaim of fear.

"Fine. A two."

"A two???" Tony exclaims making McGee laughing at him. Tony says again in surprise and disappointment, "A two?"

"What's a two, DiNozzo?" Gibbs demands of his agent while walking over to his desk.

"I was just explaining the rules to Ziva, boss."

"And number two is what?"

"You know, I was a little fuzzy on two."

"Always wear gloves at a crime scene," I read to Tony what Kate crochet onto pillows as a joke. I have all the pillows at work because their work related and they piss the director off. I throw rule two at Tony making the pillow contact with Tony's head, making him give me a shocked look. I laugh at that because he looks like he woke up with a iguanas in his bed again.

"Grab your gear. We're going to Quantico," Gibbs orders us while grabbing his gear and we all jump into action. Tony throws the pillow back to me where I put it on the ledge behind my desk under the plasma screen. "What was the two really for?" Gibbs asks me softly as he leads me to the elevator as Tony and Ziva talk when they bump into each other on the way to the elevator.

"Ziva rated Tony and McGee's asses. McGee's a four out of five and Tony's..."

"A two," Gibbs finishes for me with a node. He then asks me tightly, "So, what did they rate yours?"

"No one rated my ass. I'm not letting them man-children look at my ass."



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