Kill Ari (2)

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"You've reached Doctor Donald Mallard. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can," Duck's voice mail informs us when his phone rings out.

"I said no one was to leave the building!" Gibbs says into his tightly.

"Ducky, please call, okay? We're really worried," Abby attempts to say.

"No one includes you, Doctor Mallard!" Gibbs snaps into the phone over Abby.

"We're worried including Gibbs... or he wouldn't be yelling," Abby says before turning to Gibbs to say, "Look Gibbs, it's not Ducky's fault, okay? He probably did Kate's autopsy on auto pilot and then just drove himself home the same way."

"Boss! An outside call came into autopsy twenty three minutes ago. I'm tracing the number!" McGee reports while working away at his computer. "Boss that call came from Gerald Jackson's cell phone!"

"Gerald called," I ask McGee in surprise. Gerald never calls.

"I'd almost forgot about Gerald," Abby exclaims.

"He's been in rehab a year," McGee reminds her.

"Maybe he heard about Kate and he called Ducky."

"They're in a pub somewhere consoling each other."


"I don't like it," Gibbs states.

"Why?" McGee and Abby asks.

"I don't need a reason why!"

"I'm getting voice mail," McGee exclaims after attempting to ring Gerald.

"They probably can't hear their phones because they're in a pub," Abby exclaims.

"Do you want to leave a message?"

"No. get a GPS fix," Gibbs orders McGee and when he hesitates Gibbs snaps, "Snap it up, McGee1"

"Once second, boss. Got it."

"Georgetown. Olive and Twenty-ninth. I know that street. That's mostly residential. Locate Ducky's cell," I order McGee tightly. I can't lose my father, I just lost my sister.

"See. They're together," Abby exclaims.

"There's no pub there," Gibbs states tightly, moment away from losing his nut.

"Well maybe Gerald lives there."

"That's negative. He lives on Peabody," McGee informs her.

"So they're parked. They're talking."

"Want me to go with you, boss?"

"No, Tony's out. Stay with Abby," Gibbs orders McGee as we leave the building.


"Okay, where are they now?" I ask McGee over the phone while sitting in Gibbs car as we get to Georgetown Street.

"Same place. Olive and Twenty ninth," McGee informs us.

"Get a fix on my cell," Gibbs orders him.

"Okay. You're right on top of them!"

"Damn it, McGee! They are not here!" I yell at them.

"They have to be, boss."

"Gibbs. Is there a pub?" Abby asks.

"No! There is no pub! No people... there are no cars!" Gibbs answers her tightly.

"Okay, I was just checking."

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now