Mind Games

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"I will never forget the day that Gibbs caught this psycho," Cassidy says to us as we look at a criminal on death row who is demanding Gibbs talk to him before he dies.

"You knew Gibbs back then?" Tony asks her in surprise.

"No! I was a junior at Georgetown and for two years, every women D.C. was afraid to go out at night."

"That must have been tough."

"Yeah. You have no idea. I actually own Gibbs for the first full night of sleep I got in college."

"Hmm. I meant dating."

"Yes. Yes. Dating was tough."

"Need any help with that now, Paula?"

"No, Tony. Thank you. I've been there. I've done that."

"Ha, ha! Ouch!" Tony exclaims while holding his heart in fake pain.

"Your problem with women is where you're focused."


"Mmm... here. It's a mirror," Cassidy hands Tony a 'mirror' which he takes and opens.

"Quick question. The pink ones, do they taste like Strawberry Starburst? I thought you said you weren't seeing anyone!" Tony says while holding Cassidy's birth control making her freak out.

"I'm not," Cassidy defends herself.


"IT'S for my complexion."

"Complexion got a name?" I ask her innocently from my spot behind Gibbs computer.

"Alice, you do don't want to go there."

"Just tell me it's not another agent because I don't really think I could," Tony begins but Cassidy slams Tony's body into his desk making his shout out in pain and surprise.

"He's name's Bob, and he's a lawyer."

"What a coincidence. I hate lawyers."

"I know. So do I. that why it's," Cassidy begins before whispering in Tony's ear making me wonder is I want to know.

"Well, what would that make me?"

"An idiot," I offer to Tony making him grin at me.

"A big mistake. If you do not give me by birth control pills, I'm going to break your arm," Cassidy threatens Tony.

"I've got that coffee," McGee exclaims making his presents known.

"Have you been there long?"

"Uh, long enough to say 'no ma'am,' agent Cassidy."

"Okay. Good answer," Cassidy says while finally snatching her birth control back while releasing Tony and says sweetly innocent, "Thank you."

"I let her do that," Tony defends himself but no one believes that.

"Thank you."

"Who's that?" McGee asks innocently.

"Kyle Boone," Cassidy says like that answers his question.

"He's an infamous serial killer, probie. Terrorized the District in the nineties. Come on," Tony explains better.

"Twenty two women went missing and five bodies were found."

"Guy only made one mistake."

"He killed a petty officer."

"Gibbs caught him?" McGee asks know he understands.

Alice Story part 2Where stories live. Discover now