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           The sound of your feet hitting the hard stone walkway over the bridge rang out into the clouded misty atmosphere. It added a sort of solemn feeling to the already thick mood floating around your being. It was if your aura was a black cloud surrounding you, suffocating you by the horrible pollution it produces. 

            The air around you seemed compact and coarse at the midnight moon hanging overhead. It was the only light that shone on the forgotten street you walked. There were a few light posts here and there, but all gave off only a dim yellow glow that maybe covered only a couple feet in diameter from the initial bulb. Though it seemed enough to walk and not be afraid of beasts coming and snatching you. Not that it was likely anyways. 

             Your day had been filled with terror. Not the kind that strikes fear into you, but the kind that makes your body ache and wish that there was no more time in the world to endure the amount of pain you've gone through. Your father had recently passed away due to a head on collision into another car, which sent your father flying off a bridge into the river. He didn't make it out of the car in time, nor did the paramedics get there quick enough. 

         You were close to your father, very close actually. He spent most of his time after work when you were a child to take you around the town to admire the greenery of the what is mostly nonexistent now days. Everything seems to have been replaced with big building that rocket into the sky and a fast food restaurant on every corner. Nothing seemed real to you anymore. It all seemed manufactured and fake. 

        You approached the very top edge of the bridge, where the shot from looking down seemed to be thousands of feet tall, although it was probably a merely a hundred feet at most. Your breath quivered at the sight of the drop, the gushing waves pooling foam and lapping at the legs of the bridge of which you hang over. 

You didn't want to do this anymore. 

You didn't want to live a life where everything seemed fake and lost. 

What's a life worth living when there's nothing to live for?

"Tell my sister, don't cry and don't be sad. I'm in paradise with dad," You mumble to yourself, referring to your sister, as you throw your legs over the cobblestone wall, feet dangling over the clashing jaws. You eyes dance over the water, as you take a deep breath, recounting the moments of your life. All the good and all the bad times. Though it didn't matter now, It was all over. 

"Hey what are you doing!?" You hear a loud shout call through the air as you throw yourself into the gaping jaws of the river. 

-Don't kill yourself please. You mean everything in the world. <3-

Words: 500

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