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-Almost 200 reads! That's insane! Thank you all so fucking much. If you love this story please vote and share. It would mean a lot to me. Also this fucking amazing beautiful beautiful man! ugh KMS-





"I'll get you one day darling. Just you wait."

          You wake up with a gasp of breath, though this time not with the dream of water, but the horrid white eyes of the monster staring at you. You pant softly at the memory and close your eyes trying to focus on catching your breath, "Fuck." 

       The feeling of a weight is thrown over your waist, causing you to tear you eyes open and look over. Brendon is sprawled across the bed, one leg over the sheets and a blanket covering the rest, though his arm is tightly secure on you. You cringe in disgust at the sight of him holding you, although he looks abnormally peaceful and cute when he sleeps. 

      You shove his arm off, which results in him tumbling off the bed and onto the hard wooden floor with a thump. You cringe at the sound, realizing that Brendon is going to wake up in a fury when he sees you've thrown him off. Although that never comes, you just receive a low groan and the sound of him pushing himself up off the ground. 

      Once he emerge from the opposite side of the bed, it stands up in all of his morning glory. His his a disheveled mess compared to his classic quiff hair style he usually had it done up in. His eyes stare down tiredly at you with a bit of annoyance from your stunt. He only lies in his plaid boxers, showing off the rest of his body. His chest is softly tan and perfectly smooth, not a hair on it. It's toned and the curves of his muscles seems just perfect, not being too muscular, but also not just a flat canvas. His V-line is prominent where it sinks into his already sagging boxers, that leave whatever is under it to the imagination. 

"Like what you see darling?" He catches your gaze on him and it forces you to look up at his face. There lies a huge smirk across it, bringing out the whiteness of his teeth and the points of his fangs. 

"No I'm actually disgusted," You fake cringe, actually knowing that his body is gorgeous, but you aren't going to let him have the benefit of that. 

"Well fuck. I thought you were gonna say yes and I could explore that canvas of yours," He flirts, giving you a small wink. You want to cringe, but you physically can't because you're kinda mesmerized. 

You pull yourself together with the reminder of the monster that still lies deep in your head, "Never. Now do you want explain what the fuck that was and what happened yesterday?" 

        You cross your arms across your chest and sit on the sit of the bed, crossing a leg over the other. Brendon glances at your composure and sighs, not actually wanting to address the question, "Yeah I guess I could." 

A smile threatens to break across your face from the win.

"Though I'd like to clarify that it wouldn't have happened if you didn't wander off like I told you. It's one of my rules and we'll get to that later," He starts. His point is fair, but still. 

"I'm not the one who has flesh eating monsters in random rooms." You snap back making him send a sharp glare your way.

"Anyways that was The Emperor of the Dark. He's a creature from Hell. One of Satan's many children. Now that's going to seem weird to you. There's much more to it all." 

"Uh yeah, there seems to be. Why the hell is one of Satan's children in your house?" You sassily ask, narrowing your eyes at him.

He runs a stressed hand through his hair, obviously not wanting to tell you, "Well, to put it simply. He's kinda like my brother. Not in the way you're thinking. Satan has many children, but for many different things. The Emperor for more of the fear side, The Plague for sickness, The Sins. There's more I could say, but you have me. King of all vampires. Vampirism is disease that Satan put into the first ever well I guess you could say subject. That's all I'm saying though," He mutters, faltering away on the last part. 

You try to piece it in your mind, but it doesn't make much sense, "So you're a child of Satan?  And you didn't answer my question of why he's in your house."

"I'm not a child of Satan necessarily. It's a disease. And he is in my house because he's a god damn monster that really shouldn't be released on the world."

"So he's in your house?" You cock an eyebrow to Brendon to make sure he really thinks about what he just said.

"My house is insanely protected sugar. You don't realize because you haven't actually been outside of it. Like humans can't actually see the mansion. It's just a forest. Our rooms are not all normal. The one he is in has a protective barrier that doesn't let him out unless with my command," he waves his hands around as he explains, but he eventually lands dead set on your eyes, "Also sugar... what did the monster look like to you?" 

You swallow thickly before answering, not sure if you should be truthful, "You."

       Your statement makes him rip his gaze away and sigh heavily. You can tell he's disappointed with himself or you. Something about the monster being him isn't right.

"The monster is one of your biggest fears. When I was looking at him, all I saw was a spider, but you saw... me," he mutters out the last part, staring down at his gold ring clad fingers and he twists one.  

You lean forward, placing a hand on his shoulder that still lies covered in gauze that you had wrapped up on him. You overlook the fact that this super powerful vampire king is afraid of spiders and rub soft circles into it. 

"I never thought you were actually scared of me, but I guess I was wrong." 

       You pull your hand away, bring silent and away from him being like the only thing you can do for him right now, "Im sorry..." You apologize, but you don't know what for. 

"Don't worry. I'll leave you alone," he gets up from the bed and rushes to get up and away from you.

"Brendon!" You call, before he can even make it to the door. It causes him to turn around and look at you with sad, worried chocolate eyes.

"I'm scared of you. You terrify me to no ends meet. With the thought of you being able to rip my throat out at any moment and suck me dry, is mortifying. I feel like a meal to you and if not that a slave. I hate the fact that I'm here and with you, a monster. I hate you in general with your dumb flirty way, but you saved my life yesterday... and I'm thankful for that and it makes me just a little less scared, but I'm still terrified... I won't lie about that to you," Your words fall out fast and frantic with a slight twinge of desperation of the ends. 

      Brendon nods softly to you and keeps his monotone face, "Just do me a favor and stay in this room. I don't want to have to strike more fear into you." 

He shuts the door loudly, making you jump slightly. It's as if he heard you and just doesn't give a fuck and wants to make you scared anyways. Though you could swear that he had a tinge of sass and sarcasm of the comment. 

       Now alone, you pull yourself to the bathroom and look into the shattered mirror. You sigh at your complexion. The dress you had put on yesterday is torn in many places from the sand and there is a few scratches lining parts of your face. The black bruise that was on the top of your cheek bone has finally faded a bit and turned into a slight yellowish color. You lift off the ruined dress to see the gauze as stick firmly intact from the first day you put them on. You slowly undo them and pull them off to reveal your ribs are mostly faded as well. It's weird considering that bruises usually take a couple of weeks to fade away.

What did Brendon put in that sandwich?

 - So I realize this was a short chapter. Im so fucking sorry.... I really didn't want to be and tried to make it longer, buutttt it wouldn't have ended and been how I wanted it to. So here's this. I hope more of the story is unfolding and becoming clear. I hope you've enjoyed it so far. I've had fun writing it. Please vote and share and comment. Would make me a very happy bean.


-Question of the Chapter-

What do you think Twenty One Pilots new album is gonna be like?

Me: Cryptic as shit tbh.

Your answer: none.

Words: 1540


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