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-VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!!!: So I don't know if any of you will read this, but a certain writer on the site has stolen from me. An idea, or more specifically the whole character build of one of the characters, that I threw out and said: but i'm using this, so don't please. But they did, and didn't even credit me for the idea. It's really upsetting to me because this writer is seemingly getting away with the work they created. What's funny and to top it off is, this writer told me when we talked that "People steal things. Thats how it is. Get over it." before I even threw out the idea. Now look. What I wanted to make this note about is my frustration. I put 5-10 hours per chapter writing and it does take up my time a lot to get all these chapters out and to make you guys happy. And guess what? It makes me extremely happy.

I don't want any of you to think that stealing ideas and work is fine and not crediting them at least. Because it isn't. It damages an author.

And I'm sad to say the scum of the internet have damaged me. Don't ask me who it is or what work, I will not tell you. I'd like to keep as much hate and negativity from them as possible, because then I would be even worse.

Please just enjoy the story, give me feedback, and be sure to just stay fucking positive.






                   I crack my back as I get up from bed, pulling up my jeans that littered the floor. I yawn widely, covering my mouth for a moment as I shake off the sleep. Sighing, I move over to my closet, pulling out a hoodie, throwing it over my bare chest. A chill moves through the room making my skin perk up and I speed down the hallway quickly with my powers, heading straight to the library to check on Y/N. She's usually here at the beginning in the morning without fail. I focus my mind strongly trying to pick up her thoughts from entering the room, but they aren't apparent. I cock an eyebrow as I enter fully, looking past a few of the bookshelves to see nothing at all.

"Gerard?" I call out into the room, feeling my heart drop a bit.

Gerard appears in front of me in no time at all, staring me down, "What is it?"

"Where's Y/N? She's usually in here at this time in the morning," I proclaim, still searching around the library in panic.

"I have no idea. I haven't seen her in here since last night. Nor have I seen that fucking book I gave her a while back. It's the only book missing, but I'm assuming she was just doing research," he shrugs, following after me as I check every inch of the library.

             As I search the room, my eyes instantly fall of the small door in the corner of the room. The blue wood of it is different than it was before. The wood is lighter and the sparkle to it is changed. And I could've sworn that the engravings were a sentence... Until they aren't.

"She opened the fucking door..." I say in shock, opening the door quickly, pushing my way into the tight room, looking at the claw hanging down from the sky without the silver key coming from it, "Oh no she couldn't know about this..."

            I dash out of the room and head up to my office in a split second, my anxiety fueling my speed like no other. As I crash into my office, nothing looks out of place, but I fall to my knees in front of my desk, punching straight through the head of the hawk, revealing the silver box perfectly in the same place as before. A sigh of relief falls from my lips as I stare down at it, taking the box into my hands, forcing it open harshly since its still locked.

As the top flings open, nothing appears in the box except the velvet of it. My heart falls in my chest and I stare down at it in defeat, "She's in hell... fuck..." I mutter to myself, running a hand across my face heavily.

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