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-Thanks so much for 20 likes and almost 150 reads! I've only had this story up for maybe a week now and I'm so proud of how it is turning out! Thanks to all of you I get the chance to write more. So here is chapter 4!-



No rest for the Wicked.


Your POV

 |I'm changing it up for a moment just to try it out. Let me know if you like it better like this or not. Thanks!|

           I directly hit the floor in an instant after hitting the stone hard chest of another. I clutch my head within my hand with a loud groan escaping my throat. Something about hitting my head at full force on a hardwood floor is really painful. I wonder why?

        Right after my head hits the ground, I hear the familiar sound of the clicking heels of Brendon's expensive leather shoes walk into the room until they stop right beside my head. I can practically smell the polished leather bruise the inside of my nose. 

"Oh darling, how stupid are you?" I keep my eyes closed tightly, as a let out a long, exasperated sigh of disappointment in myself. I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. 

       I roll myself onto my back, keeping my eyes closed, just so I don't have to see the smug smirk across his evil, but strangely beautiful face. The pain from my previous wounds, still strike hard, but after all I've been through in the past couple of days, they honestly seem like nothing. 

    Two arms wrap around me suddenly, pulling me up from the ground and into strong arms. Probably Brendon. Though the person behind it is soft and smooth, not careless when picking me up. It couldn't possibly be Brendon.

I open my eyes to catch the strong jaw of Brendon. He's looking straight ahead, face filled with no emotion as he does so. He carries me back to the kitchen and places me back down in one of the barstools, "Stay here. You're going to eat by the way. Whether or not you want to." He says it bluntly, nothing attached to it when only moments ago he was mocking me for failing to escape. 

       I sigh heavily, placing my head into my arms just wanting to fade away. The clanking of the pots against the stove rings into my ear. 

What am I going to do about all of this? 

How am I going to get away from it? 

From him...


       I look up to instantly catch the sight of a white plate in front of me with a grilled cheese sitting right on top. The bread is a soft golden brown and the yellowness of the cheese slips through the sides of the two piece of bread, making it look like something out of a magazine. It's absolutely perfect in display. 

                 I lean forward taking the plate from him, my eyes not leaving his as I do, placing it down on the counter before me. He just stares at me as if he's waiting for me to just eat it. So I take the soft, crispy sandwich between my fingers and take a huge bite out of it. The crispness of the bread fills into my ear and as it hits my tongue, the cheese just melts into my mouth creating a sensation between the two opposite factors. I close my eyes as I swallow, savoring the new found taste. 

It's delicious. 

"Like it?" I open my eyes to see Brendon staring me down, with a new face I haven't seen. One of curiosity. He's actually interested in if I like the food. 

"Mmmhmm." I hum out, licking the gooey cheese off my lips, "It's really good..." 

He chuckles lightly, "I do make a pretty damn good grilled cheese."

Wicked | Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now