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Your Choice


So what will it be?

            You thought it over, possibly longer than you should have. 4 months had passed quickly and now with the time coming up so closely with about two months left, you didn't know if you could support the fact of killing your child now, if that was even a choice. It was now a decision between living and dying for you. Would you die to make sure your child lives or try to live and possibly die, you child's life at risk.

               Talking to Gerard about it really changed your mind a bit as he said he would try his hardest to keep the death of your child from happening. You turning was dangerous as he explained, something that shouldn't be and you would end up regretting eventually as the immortal life is a tolling one. But with his skill in everything and especially his knowledge in the turning process, from him being one of the first to ever change without the help of Lucifer and not dying by the hands of the royals, he'd been through the dirtiest version of it and with tons of practice, he could surely say that he was an expert it changing them.

But he had never worked on an anemic pregnant human before with the child being one of the royals.

                It made him hesitant when going over the process he would have to do. He would have to stick the needle straight into your neck instead of your arm and the blood type you would have to receive was one that was specific to yours, meaning Brendon could have no part in it. He was of straight royal blood line, meaning his blood was as tainted as it could be and would be harder for your body to process fully. You needed someone who was once human before this and carried blood that was B-, rare, but with your luck, Pete Wentz, your best friend in the world was that hero who was half human and vampire, and somehow shared the same blood type.

"Y/N.... We've talked about this over and over and I want to know if you are ready to make your choice. The time is coming quickly and I'm not sure how much longer your child is going to wait to eat you alive," Gerard states bluntly as he sits in front of you, holding up a book all about the turning process.

"Thanks for that Gerard," you mumble under your breath, "I guess I'm going to try turning then... As long as you can promise me that you will do everything in your power to save my child, not me. Please. Can you promise that?"

As your eyes bore down on him, you can see the pain flash through his eyes as he's finally getting the realization of what you're proposing, "Yes. I promise."

"Thank you. Don't let Brendon know okay?" you breathe out heavily and look him over.

Gerard merely nods and a small frown appears across his face, "We'll do this tomorrow then. The sooner the better.... but I'd like to have a word with you, if you will allow me to have one."

                  You look his features over in your mind, watching the crowded emotions cross his face that you never ever get to see form him. Most times he stays cold and solid so know one can really anticipate what he's thinking. He's completely unreadable and that's what he likes. To be the hugest mystery within the house so no one can hurt him.

"Of course. Let's go for a walk," you suggest and hold out your hand to him with a slight smile.

                    Gerard steps up from his seat across from you and brushes off any dust that liters it and he moves it in the correct place which happens to be directly center of the couch you were once placed on. You giggle softly at his movement and shake your head as you slowly move across the library to the door, holding your stomach firmly, feeling a wave of happiness tingle through your fingers. You had fell in love with the thought of your child and being able to feel the small kicks. You thought it was the best thing in the world and you could never go back on that. It was your child and somehow, so much more in the in the end.

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