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-Thank you all so much for 2.7k reads and 200 likes. Mean so fucking much to me.- 

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                  The sun basks across his pearl face, a yellow hue glistening over the curves of his skin, a citrine crystal waterfall melting into the nonexistent pores. His plush pink lips part and a cool breeze, tainted like smoke flows past the glimmering line of spit glazing them from where he had previously run his tongue over. The oak of his eyes is hidden by closed lids and black spider legs crawl from them.

                    You sigh softly, mimicking the same cool breath you didn't even now you had. Your eyes have been transfixed on him since to moment he went down in the courtyard. It wasn't his form of mind control, but more of yours of how you wanted to force yourself to be reasonable with the thought of how Brendon was truly convinced that you were his soulmate.

                     That had been a few days ago and now here you are beside his bed still, hair a mess and eyes black and blue from the lack of sleep. The dress you had worn was placed neatly back into the closet after Nicole had so nicely cleaned and fixed the small rips that accompanied it along from when you had let it drag across the ground.

"How long is he gonna be asleep?" You ask to the air almost, to yourself, but the presence of Pete and Gerard is heavy behind you as well as they had been since you decided to stay put by his bed.

"Well according to vampire anatomy, something like that burst could put him out for another week at most. It's kinda like a coma if you want to put it that way. Most times vampire when they loose control fully, especially of royal blood relation, if they set out to do what they had planned, then it usually isn't this long, but Brendon did do the opposite of killing... the target," Gerard starts to explain the logistics of it as he usually does due to being the kingdom's historian for the past thousands of years, "Though this has only been done once on record and that was when-"

                Gerard's voice cuts out suddenly, making you tear your eyes away from Brendon for a moment and land on the two of them, where Pete has a sharp glare boring into Gerard who just cowers back into his long back coat and mop of grease on his head.

"When what Gerard? Tell me," you demand and Gerard looks to Pete with questioning eyes of fear.

                   Pete just shakes his head to him and turns to you with a softer glance than he had previously given Gerard, "It's not for us to tell Y/N. You have to ask Brendon and just to clarify he'll wake up soon. It's been a week, he'll wake up. You've just got to ask him honestly."

                     Gerard rolls his eyes at Pete in disbelief at how he corrected him about the time. It is a well known fact that if anyone knows anything, it's Gerard. There's not a single person in the whole world who could possibly know as much as him except maybe the "gods". No one had been on the earth longer than him besides Dracula and Noire who long ago had made him one of their first victims.

                      Since then, Gerard had discovered to be a devote historian for the castle and instructor. He had a first edition of every book that ever existed, including most of the books from the Library of Alexandria. He had his hands on some of the most peculiar books and some of the most dangerous. He could recount every moment of where and when he got them and not a single book in his library didn't have a story.

Except the one he gave you.

"Brendon, wake up."

                     As if a corpse was rising from it's grave, Brendon's eyes flash open, the chocolate brown of them appearing deeply and delving into your bones. His body, which lies flat, rises up slowly, pressure being put on the crease of his elbows from where he pushes up. The cool smoke from his mouth turns into a heated breath as he heaves up slightly.

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