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-Your outfit for the chapter

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-Your outfit for the chapter. If you don't like it. Change it in your head. It won't matter that much, I just wanted to add some visual in the story. :p-

-So I'd just like to put that I don't name the title of the chapter because I want people to read the chapters. Some people just look at the title, assume they know what it's about and move on. I don't want that. I put a lot of thought into my writing and making each chapter for you. So I'd really like it if you would respect that I don't make witty titles. I put the "title" in every chapter but under the authors note. Just to give a glimpse. Though you don't really skip over it. This may seem like I'm doing it to get more views, as told by someone, but it's not. I genuinely want you all to read the chapters. 

Sorry for the rant! 

Thanks so much for 550 views and 67 likes!!! It means so fucking much to me. Enjoy!!!!!!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!-



Month later.


          You count down the days as if they were your own fingers. A month and 10 days had passed since you had been here. For most of that time, you actually spent it in the bedroom, hiding away from Brendon and everything else that had its way in the house. Although you would think that Brendon would be up your ass about it, not wanting you to be too closed off to yourself, he wasn't. He was perfectly content staying away from you to give you space. Especially after the whole Emperor of the Dark episode.

Though this gave you time to think about your escape and how you were going to go through with it. There were obvious guards at the door so you couldn't just leave the room whenever you wanted. The windows happened to be sealed shut tightly, probably an addition to when Brendon first got you here. 

        The room seemed like a coffin. A cage, though that you could be comfortable in due to the fact you had thrown yourself into a cascading water coffin only a month ago. Though the padding of this room seemed more closing, more air tight. Everything seemed thicker than blood. 

That wouldn't stop your escape though. 

     You had a secret weapon that not even Brendon could see coming. 


          You two had become closer since the last time you talked. Although he had thoroughly freaked you out with the explanation of the turning process, you found it in yourself that Pete didn't have the intention of doing it on you. He honestly just seems like he is trying to protect you by giving you the truth.

Most of it. 

          You throw on a leather jacket over the white shirt, jean shorts, tights, and converse that you rock. It gives the rest of the look a bit of flavor, making you seem like a slight punk rock chick, though you find it really casual. You find that dressing yourself calms your anxiety a bit and gives you something to do in the boring walls. It's easy when you probably have over 50 grand (43,000 euro. If you're from somewhere else. I'm sorry. in clothing that all fits your body perfectly. You almost want to gain or loose a drastic amount of weight to spite Brendon for the suddersome amount of info he had on your body without your knowing. 

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