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Here it is. Many months later. Thank you all for the support. This won't be as long as most things I write. Sequel? Find out. Enjoy.


-4 months later-

              You bounced your small babe in your arms, Sarah Evangeline, who had become the absolute light of your life in the past few months to cope with everything around you. While Brendon set out war plans to obliterate Satan and her entire kingdom in a fury of rage and with the death of your best friend in the entire world, everything seemed so much harder than it had before which seemed unfathomable. You were now a young mother, a vampire one at that, with only one of your twins, the other taken by the queen of all demons that ever existed in the universe, and now a kingdom you had to lead back to health which seemed nearly impossible with the absurd amount of death and destruction that had bitterly broken through.

"Shh, shh, shh. I know, I know," you mumbled softly to your daughter who squirmed in your arms, rocking her softly in her black silk blanket with a red fuzzy side that kept her perfectly warm.

          She was so sweet with rosy chubby cheeks and the little amount of hair on top of her small head. She reflected you mostly, holding a lot of your facial features and expressions from your cheekbones to the plushness of your lips, but the strength of Brendon's eyes poured through hers in the same chocolate brown that you had fallen in love with overtime, but now hated to see on you whenever you had to bare being near him.

             Truth be told, you were bitterly angry at him still for him selling off your son's soul. You still weren't sure yet if you could forgive him. You love him more than anything still, your heart being bound to his completely, but what he did didn't make it any better for you. He was responsible for all of this in the end and he was the reason for so many deaths and especially Pete's death. The communication was something he never could do and it ended so much for the both of you. The life you could've had, the love you should've shared, a future. He ruined that.

"Y/N..." a voice pulled you from your thoughts instantly as you paced about the nursery only focus on your daughter and all your troubles.

               You snapped your head up instantly to the doorway of the light gray painted room, decorated with small details of royal purple and black to see the form of Dallon leaned against the frame of the door, trying to keep his balance. He had a large cast and splint on his leg where he had broken his femur in many places, it still not even close to being healed back yet even with Gerard's healing magic. When Dallon was socked in the stomach and tossed down the flight of stairs, Mason didn't kill him but merely knocked him out cold and Dallon crushed a good bit of his bones, the harshest of all of those being his femur which he still was trying to recover from. He healed quickly from his wrist and few broken ribs with his healing powers being a werewolf, but his femur was a different story. You had been taking care of him heavily in the past few months though, which only made you closer to the wolf.

              He really appreciated your attention though as he had watched his mate be killed brutally right in front of him and there was no bringing her back. He didn't regret choosing you and Brendon over her, but it didn't make him miss her any less. His soul was bound to her and now she was all gone from his life and he never could fix what could have been or what was. He also lost Pete, whom he shared a close bond with through having the same job as Brendon's socius. Pete was the main socius that usually helped Dallon rein in the ropes of things since Pete had been doing it for at least a thousand years and Dallon only a few. He learned a lot from Pete and the one things Pete always told him to do whenever he was in charge was to do it his own way. There was never anything specific you could truly do to help run Brendon, just do whatever you feel necessary and that's probably the right way.

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