-Stories with Brendon Pt.2-

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-I'd first like to thank everyone for 5k reads and over 300 likes. It's so fucking amazing. Thanks to everyone who helped get this far.-

-dedicated to the reader-

-Story 2-

"Any stories about you and Pete?"

Suddenly you hear the door of the library slam open and a voice call into the air, "Brendon is telling stories about us?! Oh hell yeah I have to be here for this, so I can help."

Pete suddenly appears beside you both and straight into the middle of you both with a huge smile wrapped across his face. Brendon's eyes narrow in annoyance as he does when Pete Pete wraps his arms around both of your shoulders. He's obviously mad at Pete for ruining your time together by the jealousy running through his eyes. Though Pete just smirks at him with playful eyes.

You also add into the tease with Brendon and nuzzle into Pete's chest with a soft smile, "Yeah Pete, why don't you tell me a story? You know how much I love those."

Brendon rolls his eyes at the both of you, crossing his arms in a childlike manner, "Yeah whatever.. my stories are better.."

Pete laughs lightly at him and looks down at you, "Alright so a while ago, around the time Brendon was a teenager, long time ago, I know.

So it was the day before Brendon's 18th birthday, which was going to be a huge day for him and stuff so his mother really didn't want him to make a fool of himself on it. So you know when like at human weddings, they have those bachelor parties before they get married to represent having one last crazy night? Well this is kinda what is was. Though we probably took it to an extent that wasn't needed.

We had drank so much vodka and gin that we couldn't sit up straight and Brendon was running around in only his overly tight camo boxers and a black croptop, along with a black brimmed hat and boy did it look weird, but good surprisingly.

Though this isn't even the beginning.

We decided that it would be a good idea to leave the territory and go mess around in the Werewolf territory near by, the Blood Moon Pack. Which is a notorious pack for ripping off the heads of any creature possible that they can get their jaws on. Not a very nice pack. Actually fucking assholes as it is, but ya know we can be too.

Also a thing to know about Werewolves is that they aren't those fluffy wolves that you see in the Twilight movies all the time. Oh hell no, they are the true rugged, beasts that haunt your dreams with claws that can cut through steel and long mangy fur. But they can also turn into pretty, fluffy wolves as well. Besides the point. Assholes.

Anyways, so we were goofing around the woods and this fucking genius of a man here decided, "Oh I think it's a greaaaaattttt idea to hit on the alpha's daughter who was casually bathing in the lake nearby."

"WHOA WHOA!" Brendon bolts up, pointing a finger at Pete, "Not what happened you liar! What really happened..."

I was just mining my own business with my spray can and Pete. We decided that it'd be fun to vandalize their trees with words that say, "You suck furry cock." I know, very creative, someone give me an award. But out of nowhere, we come across this glimmering silver lake, where the water is crystal clear and the sun hits it perfectly and all the plants around it shine a bright silver and gold.

It was gorgeous, so my drunk ass was like, I totally have to swim in this and that I did. I climbed a 20 foot tree and performed the most elegant backflip of all time...

Landing straight onto the water in bellyflop form...

Onto the alpha's daughter.

Oh she was surprised for sure when she got a load in her mouth. Not my cum to let you know, but she probably did feel my hard on from when I made out with that tree for a little while. Not important though.

I was so scared she was gonna kick my ass honestly. The werewolf girls are always like a million times worse that the guys, even the alphas. They're super gorgeous and always have the nicest long hair. Their body form is delectable and their blood taste is unmatched. So warm and gooey like chocolate..."

You narrow you eyes at him in the same way that he had earlier with Pete and he cowers back like a scared dog slightly, with a half smile wrapped across his face, "Sorry..."

Anyways, she proceeded to kick my sorry ass, Just KIDDING! No we actually have this fiery make out session while Pete was busy fucking a bush and thats the whole story!"

"You're still a fucking idiot Brendon. What really happened in short is that Brendon got himself in a whole lot of trouble with the alpha pack since this daughter was on her way to be married to another alpha and Brendon's interruption was something out of a fairy tale and she was totally convinced that her duty was to suck his dick and become his slave. Which I had no fucking clue how Brendon managed to do that, but it took a lot of explaining that they are both just horny supernaturals and Brendon is an utter idiot. Then we got to go home, Brendon's boner still arise and me in a nervous wreck since his mother would have a fit that I would let that happen."

"Why do you do this? Do you want me to kill myself Pete?" Brendon says exasperatedly, punching Pete's shoulder, which just makes Pete laugh at him.

"I have so many boner stories about you man, don't start. I could literally just kill you right now by telling Y/N all of them. There is one too many and I'm surprised that you haven't killed yourself yet over those embarrassments." Pete cackles, falling against the couch beside you, leaving a flushed red, embarrassed Brendon standing before you both with a huge frown across his face.

"I wanna know more boner stories." You speak out, a giggle behind it.

Brendon's eyes turn a deep reddish with yellow specks going throughout them, "Oh really then? I can make one right now babe." 

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