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-Thank you all for being so supportive to me in the past few days. It means a lot to me and I'm always so happy for your support. Anyways I would like to ask you for something: Please vote. It would help get traction and possibly get us more recommended.-

-Also I would like to mention that this chapter is probably one of my favorites I've written so far, so I hope you enjoy. I put so much love into this one.-


The Piano Knows Something I don't


                   You swallow thickly as you look over the black door. The words taunt you to open it, even if you know that you shouldn't. The chains look loose enough just to yank off if you wanted and the rose carved handle looks so tempting to touch. You lick your lips lightly as you ponder the possibilities behind the door. Your breathe shakes lightly and you close your eyes as if to block it from your mind. Though the temptation is heavy and lies within you roughly.

"Cmon, you're smarter than this... You know you shouldn't," you utter out lowly as you shake your head. You do know and you don't want to give into reason.

                   Slowly you outreach your hand to the rose wood handle, you body feeling heavier than ever as your fingers tremble. Everything in you screams not to do it, but you feel as if you just can't help it. It's calling you. It's... Calling... You.

"I won't cut my beard and I won't change my hair

It grows like fancy flowers but it grows nowhere."

Your eyes widen as you flash around in an instant, yanking your hand away from the door. Your eyes search the dark corridor as the voice erupts, which sounds oddly familiar.

"My hair, my hair

If I could build my house just like the Trojan horse

I'd put a statue of myself upon the shelf

Of course, of course, of course"

"Brendon?" You call out softly, your voice cracking as you do.

                   Your eyes flash back to the door, widening as you hear the soft notes of a piano infiltrating off key to your ears, as if it wasn't what went along with the song at all. Your hand instantly leaps to the handle as you strike forward toward the door. You hold your breath as you swallow thickly and yank open the door. The clang of the chains hitting the floor sounds faint to your ears as your moon like eyes fall onto the open doorway now.

¨ ¨Ryan's POV¨ ¨

I swallow deeply as I take a few more steps toward him and place my hand firmly to the heart of his chest, "You."

                I see his eyes flutter close softly and his chest heave as he lets out a breath. A small smile creeps up on my face as I watch him. The heaviness of his eyelashes seemingly hold his eyelids closed as he focuses and his plush lips purse in such a way that is tantalizing to me. I'm so enraptured into him and I don't know why. Part of my feels that i shouldn't, but something else which resides among me, feels opposite.

"Ryan.." He starts out with a choked breath, obvious that he's restraining himself from doing more.

"Brendon please... Give me a chance," I whisper out, only loud enough that he can hear.

I feel his chest flex underneath my hand and the slight shake of his head, with his hair wiping back and forth, "No. Ryan I—"

                 I cut him off instantly with a deep kiss. I enrapture the plump lips that I've been focused on for too long and cup the cool skin within my small palm. It feels dangerous and different than anything else. And he seems to enjoy it. He kisses back slowly, unsure if he likes it, but I can tell that he does. By the way his hand has met my waist. I know.

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