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WARNING: smut.

-Let me know if you like smut? Also I have 10 chapters planned out to write so just know that, that is happening and you all should have that. So please be patient if I don't update every week. Also this chapter is abnormally longer than most others.-




               You leave Pete to go after Brendon quickly, not liking the fact that he just left you away in a spew of anger. You feel your heart drop as you hear the crash of something upstairs, sending you flying up the stairs almost tripping over your feet once again and you pant as you reach the entrance of your shared room, the black door slammed shut with a blaring crack diagonally down it. You can practically see the pure frustration running through Brendon's veins at the moment.

                 You push open the broken door, the crack in it becoming wider even with your light push. It threatens to break as you shut it, the splinters of wood cracking in your ear. One messed up touch and that door is coming down. You lift your head from the door knob and look about the room to take in anything out of place and for the most part it is how it was. Except for the bathroom light on and the door of it lying in shattered wood pieces at the entrance and what's left of it barely hanging on a hinge.

                Sighing heavily, you feel your heart hang with regret, feeling as if you could have never mentioned it, but knowing you, you would've had to because Brendon would've read your mind and you'd be in far worse shape for wear then the door if you lied to him. You step over the shattered pieces, not wanting to get sharp shards tearing into the material of your new converse. They crunch under your feet like chips as the fine lines of it break more.

                A grunt comes from the bathroom, along with a line of curses that you can only imagine what Brendon has done this time. As your bring your head up from your feet of trying to get through the maze of the door, your eyes fall onto an even more shattered reflection. The large mirror across the wall that Brendon has recently got fixed after the first time he broke it, completely demolished across the marble sink and tile floor. The duvet from your bed lays in the belly of it all, the previously red material now stained even further with crimson blood.

But in the middle of it all, Brendon sits against the back of the tub with his head in bloodied hands.

"Brendon.." you grimace as you try to navigate through the mess he's constructed.

              His eyes flicker up from his hands, spot of blood splattered across his face and his hands torn into pieces with glass and wood kissing the marks. His puppy dog eyes look up at you in big oak brown orbs with red and gold specks flicking through them in a battle of anger and remorse. The duvet lies over one of his legs where the blood stain is drenched and heavy, leaving you to believe his mess got back at him.

"I'm sorry I told you," you mumble as you finally get to his level, crouched down beside him, rolling back on your ankles to avoid the glass.

"I always had a suspicion... but I always wished it wasn't true. He's like a brother to me..." Brendons eyes go back to be fixated on his fingers and you nod, biting your lip.

"Then you know that he would never fucking betray you. You know this Brendon. Deep down inside of you, you know he wouldn't," you hiss, sticking your fingers harshly to where his heart is, "You know."

Brendon only nods to you, reaching for your hands, but you shake your head motioning to his own finger tips torn to shreds, "Let's fix you up then."

Wicked | Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now