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-3 months later-

                 "What are you doing?" you giggle out softly as Brendon covers your eyes softly, leading you to the unknown.

Brendon chuckles back in response, "Just wait and see you impatient—"

"I dare you to finish that sentence," you hiss softly, practically feeling him rolling his eyes at you.

"—beautiful, beautiful creature..." he mumbles out behind your ear making you roll your eyes under his fingers.

"Damn right."

                 You walk cautiously as Brendon leads you softly as what you can only believe to be the garden by the sudden chills rushing across your skin. Although it's barely winter now, it's still cold to you. The area always seems so cold without even trying. Your bare feet tingle as the cold stones feel like ice cubes. You want to mutter at Brendon about how cold it is and what he's doing, but you're shivering too much to get the words out.

"Your shoulder has finally healed up after taking longer than we ever expected, but I guess dark fairy poison will do that to you. But since you've been stuck inside, I decided to work on something for you."

             You cock an eyebrow at his words, not sure of what he can mean. Though once he lifts his hands, you're blasted with the beautiful sight of strung lights every where across the garden. Added in with the laughter that you didn't hear at all before when Brendon drug you out here. Everyone's eyes turn to you with huge smiles across their faces, fangs all showing. Which is a bit terrifying, but also reassuring.

"Everyone is here to see you," Brendon mumbles into your ear as he lean down, rubbing the small of your back.

               You turn around instantly with a joyful smile, wrapping your arms around his neck instantly, the tension in your left shoulder burning a bit from just being able to heal fully. You can hear him chuckle softly as you nuzzle into his shoulder.

              As much as Brendon has ruined your soul in the worst ways, part of you, the most of you has overcome the fear that he's created and made it into something so beautiful. He'd taken care of you the whole time you were sick with the poison keeping your arm from healing. He stayed every moment even with Mason being a threat. He played games with you and made sure to make all your favorite foods. As much as he's been a dick and been so hateful. He's made you into something that feel stronger and better than you were before you met him.

"Thank you," you mumble softly into his neck.

"Yeah yeah, don't mention it. Just go have fun."

                    Brendon ushers to everyone who went back to talking and letting Brendon and you have your moment. You give him a half smile as you pull away from him slowly, turning back to the party waiting for it. You scan across the crowd of people, catching the familiar faces of Pete, who sits with Mikey and Patrick who are trying to grab his attention at every turn. Gerard who is captured completely into Frank's gaze, the both of them becoming more close than you could ever imagine. Gerard's cold, stone wall has finally faded just a bit and he's let himself become happy. Nicole stands busy talking to Dallon, probably about basses. Though your eyes lands eventually land on a familiar face that you hadn't seen in a while.


            You bound over to the tall, lean punk who has the cigarette placed behind his ear as always and his hair a wild mess. He's done up in pinstripes and a blaring red coat with gold strings dangled across it.

Wicked | Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now