-The History of Pete and Brendon-

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The History of Pete and Brendon's Friendship

Pt. 1-

∏ 999 years earlier∏

-April 12th-

       "Welcome the new heir of the Daemonium Sanguis kingdom!" Our king Alucard calls out into the the atmosphere of the washed stone castle walls and blood stained marble. 

           His lover and queen, Eden, walks out onto the balcony with a pallid, screaming mess covered in black silk. Her face is blooming with the vampire's glow of birth. A radiant blood aura flowing from her being. Her long brunette hair flows softly across her figure like a waterfall and her brown eyes glow softly at the sight of her child. 

It lies obvious that this is her favorite so far. 

          Everyone around me cheers in joy and pleasure that there is a new addition to the ever growing vampire family. Such a rage for the coming of just another one of their being. In the time I've lived here through the understanding of the births and changing processes that regular vampires go through, their's is nothing like this. No one celebrates the changing of a diseased vampire, but only the ones of the true blood.

                I bring my gaze up at the being only 12 years younger than me. His face lies still in that squished, fat baby cheeked form, with only the bits of his brunette hair showing through that would probably soon to grow into a heaping mess of hair just like his mother and father both hold themselves. His skin shines like glistening ice that melts slowly on a warm summer day, glimmering underneath the dim lit crystal chandeliers hanging above our head, doomed to fall. His forehead reflects the light back perfectly, but the black silk covers up where most of it is probably hidden. 

"Now we will name the socius of our glorious prince, Brendon Boyd. It is considered a great honor to accept this role and even be chosen for the place of watching over the beloved heir of the throne," King Alucard holds up a glimmering sterling silver and ruby pendant, that has small engravings wrapped around the side of it in fine details. Though the striking part of the pendant is the vial that hangs within the silver casings, holding only the darkest of black blood imaginable to the eye. 

"This is the blood of our newborn blood

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"This is the blood of our newborn blood. As history has prevailed to us, it is shown that the blood of a newborn of the pure blood heir, the only line of our kind, can heal any wound imaginable, though not death. As vampire blood is already self healing to a degree, this kind is blessed by the lord of hell," he swings the vial back and forth tantalizingly. 

       Everyone's eyes follow it back and forth hungrily like a hypnotizing stone on a string. My eyes follow it as well, but not to the degree my mouth waters over the sight. I'm not like them, not like them yet. With vampire hunters after them at all times, I understand why something like this would be a treasured value to them. Though I am already dying and that blood isn't something that is going to fix it. 

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