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-So writing backstory and really interesting lore and stuff is my favorite. So this is kinda a huge chapter of that. It's basically explaining stuff like that. So enjoy. I worked very hard on it and enjoyed writing it so much.

-ALSO CHECK OUT HAZY SHADE OF WINTER!!!!! Five X Reader (Umbrella Academy)-




-In Hell, with You-

              You're eyes become familiar with the walls of the dark room, the blue stone, glowing and creating light, but still as dark as the hole in the emperors heart. You have gotten to know the wall fairly well in how ever long you've been here. All you know is that you feel sick to your stomach and have the urge to throw up everywhere, but is starving at the same time. You clutch your stomach and roll on your side to face the wall as you lie on the comfy bed. Everything is so quiet and mundane in a way. Though it's not a prison, it's simply a room.

"Y/N?" you hear the familiar soft voice speak out lightly into the room and you turn your head quickly, your hope heavy in your heart to leave.

           As if on cue, the door opens and the loving face of your love comes into view with a slight smile of his face, looking you over in the bed. He moves cautiously toward you and comes to the bed, picking you up into a huge, sighing heavily into your neck as you throw your arms around his own tightly, clutching onto him.

"Fuck Brendon" you whimper softly into his shoulder and he nods.

"Hey.." he sighs softly into your hair and rubs your back slowly in circles.

"I missed you so much," you cry softly.

"I missed you too..."

"I'm so fucking sorry I came down here. I should've told you what I was doing," you mummer into his leather jacket, the smell of it quite different from what you remember. 

"Yeah me too darling," he mumbles, pulling back from you, his eyes glowing red slightly, "I'm really angry at you for fucking around with my stuff and stealing my key and then forcing me to come down here." he spats at you, his eyes boring into yours heavily.

You frown at his words, "Brendon I'm sorry, I just want to save Ryan and try to help the kingdom. I didn't mean to fucking come down here and get stuck. It wasn't my intention."

"Yeah, but you did and look at us now. Fucking stuck here. What the fuck were you thinking?!" he starts to yell, pushing away from you slightly as his anger takes over.

"I was thinking about how much I love my fucking family and friends and how they need help! I was being selfless—" you start back, angry at his words.

Brendon cuts you off, pacing back and forth in the room, "Selfless?! You're the most selfish person I know! Always fucking asking something of me and needing this and that! You trying to save Ryan and not letting him die for what?! You?! You think you're doing it for him? It's so obvious you're trying to make up for the fucking mess you brought him into with Mason and this whole vampire fantasy!"

Tears start to rush down your face as he brutally slaughters your plea, "I may be trying to make up for what I fucked up with him... but I sure as hell am doing this mostly for him. I don't want my fucking brother to die. Do you think I should?!"

He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, "Yeah. I do."

               Some fire ignites in you and you throw yourself at him, bringing a hard hand down across his cheek, sending his head to the side with a sounding crack. Your slap echos throughout the room and he looks back at you with the most blood red eyes you've ever seen in your life, dead set on your skull. You can practically feel the heat of anger radiating from his body.

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