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The reach from the outside


"I love y—"


Muffled sounds.


Poison in your veins.

Falling down.




"Fuck you!"


"Your kingdom will be his!"


"Fucking traitor you are, Brent."


"You were a poor leader. You couldn't even notice the shit I was doing."


"You're dead to me Jon. Don't try to push this on me as if I did anything wrong. Tell Mason that if he wants war, he's got it, and he's fucking dead."

"She's dead."


"Doll, wake up! Wake up! Come on..."

                           "WAKE UP!!!!"




Poison retreating.

"Please wake up... I love you.. Please..."


"I-I... I love y-you," you gasp out, barely audible above a whispered choke, your throat burning with the taste of muddy water.

"Y/N—" through a cracked voice, Brendon speaks, not able to produce a full sentence.

                 Blaring light flows into your eyes of the seeming sun through the thick forest trees. As hot as it seems from the light, your body feels like a corpse drug up from the ground and throw into the arctic. Your body also feels as if someone had injected your bones with stone. Unable to move, your stare at Brendon with sad eyes. The pain pounding through your body is unimaginable.

"Y/N... don't try to move. You were shot. Fucking bastard..." Brendon mutters out lowly, the red flickering among his eyes.

                His hands shift underneath you, holding you up off of the ground, one of his hands caressing your cheek and keeping his eyes fixated on you. A spot in your shoulder burns in pain like a fever is breaking out around you. It's as if someone stabbed it with a foot long knife.

"My shoulder hurts immensely," you moan out softly in pain and Brendon nods in knowing.

"Yeah I know doll... I'm sorry. I tried my best to take out as much poison as I could and stop the bleeding. The poison wasn't that strong enough to kill you, but you bleeding immensely probably lead to your anemic blood acting up... You almost did die.. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

Wicked | Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now