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So I'm gonna keep this short and sweet, (It's already long), So there is a lot of backstory of Brendon's life that I want you to know and he wants you to know, sooooo I was thinking of doing short chapters of Brendon just telling you small stories of his life. But also keeping the main story going. Would that be ok?




                    Your hand glides of the book Gerard had given you that you had read back and forth almost a million times. You pace the library with the book in hand, going over the small rips of the paper in thought. You had always wanted to question Brendon about it considering you truly believed that he was the one who took them out. It was just weird and now that he has given you the go for asking whatever you want, which you have in the past three months since the "big talk" as you both call it, you want to ask him.

                         Pete always seemed defensive about you even mentioning it to Brendon and whenever you were about to, he'd jump in and hold you back from it as if a disaster were about to erupt. Such a shield had never been placed over Pete without words, but this was just a huge thing that he never seemed to let out.

                        The door creaks to the library signaling it's opening and your head snaps to it, Brendon's fluffy locks peaking through past the bookshelf obscuring the rest of his body, even the big forehead of a satellite dish.

"Bren!" You call out into the book ridden, making your way over to him, the book in hand sliding behind your back.

"Hey doll," he smiles softly when he reaches you, grabbing your upper arm softly within his grip and kissing to side of your face lovingly, the slight scruff of his beard hitting your cheek.

                    A smile erupts across your face as he does and you blush immensely, feeling no tension behind it. The exchanges between you two have been small, very small, but nonetheless a head in the right direction for you. He respects the boundaries that you want to take and even if it's been moving at a snail's pace between the both of you in the past three months, the connection could never have grown if you just threw into it.

"Hey can I ask you something?" you take a deep breath through your words making Brendon cock his head lightly to the side.

"You know you can," he inputs.

"I know, I know, I just want to ready you for it."

Brendon bites his lip and thought and nods simply, "Go ahead doll."

"Brendon... I've read all about your family in this book... well most of it, but you're ripped out from it..." Your hands transfer the book from behind you and in front of you, holding it at an angle to show Bren the thing you have been studying for months now.

Brendon's eyes glide to the book in hand and he frowns, "I didn't know that existed... What do you mean my family?"

He snatched it away from you quickly and flips it open, his eyes gliding over the pages quickly, "What the fuck? Who the hell wrote this? How the fuck do they know so much?!"

                       His face starts to fume red, anger lacing it, but you quickly place a hand to his upper arm, squeezing it lightly to reassure him and bring him back to the much needed control. His eyes soften when they fall on your concerned face and he nods simply, running his back over to the book and he frowns, "I-I don't know what this is and who wrote it. There are some very personal details in here..." He mutters under his breath, a veil of hurt falling over it.

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