-41: The End of All Things-

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So this is it. The finale. It's super super long and I put everything into it. I cried writing it if that even give you an idea of what it's gonna be like. I would get something to drink and to eat and have nothing else to do because it is VERY LONG!!! Let me warn you once again. VERY LONG.

Pages: 81

Words: 18,950

PLEASE READ and then LEAVE QUESTIONS for me and the characters to answer for a Q/A. Ask as many as you want and ask very many. I want to have a fun question and answer thing and I need questions for that so thanks.


To the end of all things and everyone who stuck by this story till the end. Thank you all so much and I can't help but cry at the thought of this ending. I loved so much all the comments and ideas that you shared. I'm so thankful for the people I've gotten to meet. Too many to count. Each and everyone of you mean something to me whether or not I know you irl or online. You've made this story what it is and I will forever thank you for supporting it. So I'll see you at the end.

Love for the last time,

Kat Storm



The end of all things.



"Just breathe, it's gonna be ok!"

"Fuck you, Brendon!"

"You already did that and look where it got you!"

"I— Fuck you stupid, greedy di—"

"WOULD YOU BOTH JUST STOP!?" Gerard shouts loudly, his voice booming and cracking the entire room in two almost, his eyes stuck deep on the both of your breathless forms.

            Both Brendon's and your eyes flash over to Gerard with wide eyes, everything almost stopping for a moment, if your body wasn't in severe pain and the warning of a child coming out of you wasn't a bloody mess. You bite your tongue in pain, but almost to keep yourself from shouting out slurs and spews of foul language. Brendon's hand slides across the bed slowly and captures your hand into his, holding it tightly, running his thumb over your own. It's reassuring as the harsh eyes of Gerard, create such a brutal and aching feeling within you of guilt somehow even thought you are the one in excruciating pain.

Gerard sighs heavily as if in final serenity and closes his eyes for a moment before looking back to you both, "Alright, now that you both have calmed down, Y/N you're not that far long, but with Mason's arrival this makes this all the worse. We just need to take our time with thi—"

Brendon stands quickly from the seat beside your bed and glares at Gerard, "We don't have time. Mason has been building his army for years and I don't even have one fifth of the men that I had the first time he attacked me. He will end mine and her life before I can even think. I need more time."

Gerard runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head, "I can't give you more time unless someone else handles this and I go hold they back."

"Well then, let's do that. I'll get Nicole to take this over and—" Brendon starts once again, dropping your hand from his.

"No. She's not well enough trained in that yet. The only person who is going to know how to handle this is...." Gerard trails off at the end, hoping Brendon would finish his sentence for him as he himself didn't quite want to finish it himself, as the temperamental king would possibly lash out at the idea.

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