-Stories with Brendon-

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Pt. 1

"Tell me about Sarah."

"Well there was this time...

                      Sarah and I loved to travel. It always was a dangerous thing for us to do when it came to all the species out to get us. If we trekked in werewolf territory, they would easily sniff us out and try to find blood to spread. Vicious assholes. Or vampire hunters would try to track us down if they even could find who we are. Not likely though. But the thing of traveling wasn't the adventure of moving away from our safe haven mostly, it was analyzing humans.

                         I've always had an immense interest in humans. They fascinate me beyond belief. I love the way they go about life, knowing that one day they might die and go to wherever they end up. It interests me how they follow belief mindlessly, without really knowing and waste their time on things because they want to, not because they get anything out of it. How some can be so ruthless and cruel and others can be so nice and do the most amazing things. It's interesting how they can just spend life, knowing they are going to die and be fine with it.

                       Sarah knew this very well and she would always take me to new places to meet so many people, where they wouldn't judge me. The streets of many African countries, the trains in Europe, to taste the cuisine in japan and china. She'd just let me experience everything and no one ever said a word about if they knew what we were. She let me feel human. I always felt like she had a human soul stuck in a vampire's body.

                          You should know that I don't see life that many do. All of you see the end goal of death. I can't get there by normal means. I live a life looking over people and satisfying them with unnatural things that the earth offers. I live a life of a fight against my brother and loosing my wife to him. I live that life of her being sucked into a flower and never seeing her again. I live a life where I get to have another chance at love with someone completely different based on soul means not just choice.

                         But anyways... One of my favorite people that I ever met was this small little girl on the grassy streets of Ireland. She was all dressed up in a white lace dress with little green trim going along the bottom. I could've sworn she was an angel, but only the purest. Some of those bastards are just fucking assholes. Though she had the softest of pale skin, almost as frosty as mine and these bright emerald green eyes and long light fiery red locks that met her hips. She was about the size of my lower body and I absolutely adored her.

She only said a few words to me, but they would stick in my heart forever and for once I truly felt like I was one of them, "Are you Irish like me?"

                    She had pulled my pant leg, ushering me down and to her level so she could feel the frost of my skin and I guess it made sense to her, since most of them are white pale. I just nodded to her, even though I know it's not true. She was just too cute.

             It made me want a child so bad. I had been with Sarah for so long and I wanted that then, but Sarah soon passed by the time she was even ready to have children. It sucks, but I know one day that I'll have a child again. Maybe with you... if you ever want any. I'm not saying you have to..."

"Brendon you're fucking ridiculous." You laugh at him loudly when he starts to talk about children. It had crossed your mind, but in some cases, it didn't. You are only 21, not 22, or even in a stage where a baby would make sense.

"Anyways... yeah. Sarah and I went on many adventures."

You ponder for a moment. Sarah was his first soulmate and everything to him. She loved him more than anything to do all of those things for him because she knew he would love it. Though if her soul was trapped in those flowers, how or why did she just fade from them around the time you came along? It doesn't make much sense.

"Do you think she chose me?" you blurt out, without warning, making Brendon's face one of shock as he stares at you.

"C-choose you? You mean like she just decided to find you as my soulmate?" He inquires, wonder flashing through his eyes as well as yours.

"Well... yeah.. Wouldn't that make sense? By the time that I came around, the flowers stopped glimmering and I read that other royals have never had a soulmate be a human. It's unheard of and all of a sudden I pop into the picture, a human, and I'm your second soulmate which is also unheard of. So don't you think that she might have chose me since... you have that interest in humans so intensely and I'm probably the oddest choice of people for a vampire with my anemia and a death wish that you just stumbled upon?"

Brendon's face contorts in thought and he nods, "Maybe she did and if so... I'm glad she did. She couldn't have picked a better person."

-Let me know if you like this! Also dedicated to our reader MayFeing

They have commented a lot over my story and I'd just like to thank them so much. 


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