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-I feel as if there's no care for the book anymore and that's completely on me the author. I don't know how you guys necessarily feel, but it almost feels as if no one is interested. let me know if i am wrong about that. I want suggestions on what to make it better, how to keep you interested, and also what you want to see happen or ideas you may have!!!-





                A few months had passed since your adventures in the world below. The feeling of being back home to the surface had filled the ache in your stomach immensely and somehow made the sickness among you grow even bigger. But that was all cleared up in no time, when Brendon had finally set down the news to you, of which you had no clear idea of until then that you were and are pregnant. He explained that your pregnancy was something of an anomaly now due to the fact that going from the underworld of hell back to the surface of earth, where time is heavily different, affected the process of your baby. Only a day had passed fully in the real world, while down in Hell, it had been about 2 months. This means that when you added the 2 months to the current month that you were pregnant that Dallon could sense easily due to your smell as he explained, you were currently 3 months pregnant when you came back. Now one more months had passed and it had been everything but great.

                 It put Brendon is a spin, all of his actions unpredictable and erratic. You could forgive this easily due to the fact he'd never in his entire life time, been a father or even a guardian to a child before. As Brendon so eloquently explained to you, there has never really been a child around the kingdom except for his sibling's children, but they were taken away around the time of his destruction to the kingdom. None of his friends or allies even had children for unknown reasons, besides most of them being gay of course. But Brendon was constantly as possessive and dominant over you as before, but to an even further extent. He had to be with you every moment of the day, looking over you and the baby and deep down you know he's doing it to protect you and because he wants to be a father.

                  Currently, you are sat firmly into the couch, cradling you somewhat small bump in your hands over the draping black silk material dress that Brendon had made for you. The couch was the place you liked the most because you could just read all day long and with Ryan finally feeling better due to the ribbon curing most of the effects of the sickness, except the factor it is slowly still turning him into a vampire.

Mike had told you tat the ribbon would keep off the effects for a while, but it couldn't keep away the sickness completely. He also explained that the only way that he thinks Ryan could even be cured of it is if they was a way to reverse the blood and effects of the disease, but that would probably take more time than Ryan could have. It was estimated that Ryan had a few more months before he was to fully change with the ribbon. It was sad and brutal, but you have come to terms with it.

"So you guys know the gender right?" Ryan finally speaks up from the silence as Brendon sits down beside you heavily into the couch and rests his head against yours.

"We don't know ye—" you start to answer, but Brendon instantly cuts you off.

"It is a boy."

You turn your head to him and narrow your eyes in wonder, arching a brow to follow, "And how do you know that?"

He chuckles like it's an obvious answer and kisses your cheek, "Doll, every first born is a male. My father was, my brother was, my nephews were, and so will he. It's just how it works."

"Yeah, but I'm human. Not a vampire. So there's no chance it could be a girl?" you retort to him and he purses his lips in thought.

"Yeah.... No. Not happening. Trust me, you'll see. It's gonna be a him," he wraps his arm around you back and rubs soft circles into your bump and you sigh, leaning into his touch.

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