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-QUICK NOTE: So the hooded figure from last chapter. Who ever figures who it is before the chapter I mention him to be, will get a huge shout out/a chapter dedicated to them. I really want to see who you all think it is and you have to give an explanation as to why!-



                  You approach the house once more and hop off of Dallon carefully, rubbing his back lightly as you do. He nods to you and runs back into the forest to finish his duties and patrol. You sigh softly as the brown figure of fur disappears into the trees, leaving you back at the house with fate leading you inside.

            Reaching into your pocket, you feel the soft, light material of the ribbon and you dash quickly through the doors, trampling up the stairs quickly, missing steps left and right just to appear in from of Ryan's door.

              You crack it open slowly and enter as quiet as you can, still afraid to make a single noise that could send him in pain. But hopefully the figure in the woods didn't lie to you and is true to his words to help you help Ryan. You slowly approach the bed and crouch down beside his head when you reach him. His skin has grown even a paler shade of grey and his lips now white. You frown at the sight, wishing you hadn't left him for as long as you had.

             You take his wrist lightly and wrap it around his wrist slowly, tying a small knot at the end of it so he can't take it off. You stare at him, hoping something will change, but his skin stays the same color and so do his lips.

"Ryan?' you ask softly, awakening him from under the covers, to look at you through a small crack in the sheets.

"What did you put on my wrist?" he speaks roughly, his voice coarse.

"A healing ribbon... do you feel anything different?" you plead to him almost, you head banging against an invisible barrier.

"My body doesn't hurt anymore. Neither does your voice so I guess it's working," he mumbles, grabbing your hand softly.

"Thank goodness..." you kiss his hand softly, sighing heavily against it.

"I feel dead. I feel as I'm a corpse being resurrected from the ground. I wish this would all stop... Have you figured out what I have? Brendon says you've haven't slept in days and you've been throwing up. You always got that way in the past when you were stressed. Don't be stressed... I'm gonna get better. You know that," Ryan's grip on your hand tightens as he holds it and he forces a crooked smile across his tired looking face.

            You nod at the the mention of your sickness, knowing the familiarity of it when back in your life before this, if you were ever so stressed, you'd throw up from it, "I'll try Ry... but I found out what it is. It's a disease called Morbus Imperium. It's a control disease. Mason is using it to torture you basically and eventually you will turn into a vampire if we don't stop it.."

Ryan's eyes close and he lets out a heavy sigh, "So I'll be losing my humanity and suffering into a monster like him..."

              Ryan's comment takes you back when he calls Mason a monster. But your head instantly goes to Pete. Pete had always talked about humanity and what it meant to him and everything it was in such ways that you couldn't even feel yourself. It was something he desired so much to have back and you knew he would give anything to have that back.

"Y/N... I'll be honest with you. I despise being a vampire. People dream of this life. Having immortal blood, powers, being high up in the kingdom. Not me though. I hate it... I hate it so fucking much. My life was ripped away from me and I didn't even get to know the life of humanity that many do. My mother was a vampire and when I turned 13, she took me away from my father and the life we led. She took me here and in no time, Queen Eden took a liking to me. I mean she choose me to be Brendon's socius. I think she choose me though for my passionate hate for them. For my passionate taste of knowledge of any way or thing to do about reversing the disease. To find a cure, to make my humanity stay. My doom was near. I was dying at the hands of this curse that my mother never told me about. Never let me live. I think Queen Eden chose me because she too hated her immortality. She was hand chosen by Alucard to be his wife and ripped away from her human life to serve him in life and death to make children and rule a kingdom. I think she choose me so I could figure out a way to spare Brendon... her last child. But it didn't work. I could never find a way. And now I'm stuck without my humanity. Something so beautiful and amazing that you don't cherish. It's gorgeous and sweet, so subtle and perfect. The feeling of having pure pumping hearts and skin that doesn't freeze you every moment. Not having to have a lust for blood and every person around you seems like a target. Being able to be around normal people and not be away from society. Not have these fucking wars where... where... where the only way to actually show someone you love them is by killing them..."

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