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-so we have hit 1200 reads! Holy shit that is insane. I haven't had anyone view my work like this in fucking years. Also almost 100 likes! It's just fucking crazy to me. Thank you so much and i hope you enjoy this next chapter. Also some of you are from australia, PLZ LET ME KNOW WHO YOU ARE BECAUSE <3. And to everyone else from a million different places, I love you too. 

also this is a long chapter so. ENJOY? It's also gonna be a few parts maybe?

Words: 4183




The Ball. Pt. 1


           The door to the library bursts open in an instant as you place down the book back on the mahogany table in the center of the room. Through the doors, comes in a sanguine Brendon, his hair flipped in front of his face and glasses that you've never seen before pushed up to the very bridge of his nose firmly.A small smile grows across his face when he sees you, unlike the usual which is usually disappointed and over it. Though this time he seems hopeful for something, especially you.

        The book that Gerard had given you disappears into thin air, just as he had said previously it would do when you put it down. It would end up in it's original spot where Gerard had it assigned, which you have no idea where it is. 

       Brendon bounds over to you with an unusual cheery attitude that he has never help once before in the time of knowing him. His brown eyes are lit up, even though the lights are dim and his pale skin, shivers slightly in excitement.

"(Y/N), I've been looking all over for you," he starts, the same smile backing up the optimism in his voice. But for what?

"Why?" You mutter out, obviously not wanting to hear that he has. 

The sound of your tone obviously strikes something in him by the flash happening within his eyes, but it's obvious he tries to keep it under control, "Well uh, I've decided that tonight were going to have a huge dinner! Give you a taste of what this life really is since you've insisted on keeping yourself locked up. I don't want you to miss on what is truly the special part of this life." His voice returns to his normal, lower tone, though not as harsh.

"Yeah sure I suppose..." You mumble to yourself, not wanting to disagree with him incase he wants to pull what he had done only a week before..

"I don't love you! Leave me alone!" You scream out at him as you push him off in a fury. He stumbles back into a book shelf, that nearly topples over, but a few book do fall with the force. 

His eyes steam a bright red, reminding you of the first nights you spent with him, "You will love me! You will! Whether you want to or not, you will!!!!" He repeats the words over and over, as he starts to get closer to you with every shout. He stamps it in a if it's going to leave a print on you. Though you aren't so willing.

"I will never love you! Because you are a fucking heartless piece of shit monster who wants nothing but to ruin me and kill me! You're a fucking disaster of nature that shouldn't exist! The worthless cousin of the devil's true offspring or something!" You fight back with the words, your own fire bubbling up in your heart, a rage threatening to explode out of your eyes, which already hold the strongest glare you can produce toward him.

       His blood eyes sink into a pool of endless black which you had only seen once before. When he had gotten mad at you the first night and punches the mirror with so much force it shattered into thousands of piece right over your head. You instantly remember it all as it sinks into you. Those eyes lie to loss of control and now you're the target of destruction. 

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