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           About 5 months pass you by like nothing, the time spent with Brendon being so much more than you could've ever imagined. The things that you did and learned. The laughs and love was enough to pull you away from reality. The reality of what was severely happening to your brother under your eyes and you had no idea how to fix.

         He's sick. Very sick. In just months of what you couldn't even realize what was happening. The disease in him in slow and nothing you understand. His body has stuck up a burning fever, but his skin feels ice cold and is as pale as snow to match. His body is starving itself, making him paper thin, but he's never hungry or thirsty at all and when he does, his stomach throws it all up again with blood. He's physically and mentally drained, but he can't sleep at all. The light makes him shake and he screams when it hit's him, but the dark scares him too. He cries out in pain constantly, screaming that his body hurts like death, but he won't move an inch from bed. He's happy and then sad, he's mad then calm, he's always changing. He's dying before your eyes.

And you don't know what to do.

             You've spent days researching through books and absolutely asking every single person in the house if they even are aware of a single thing that might cause this. Brendon has no clue whatsoever and Gerard is struggling to remember what it might be even with his extensive knowledge he knows. Something that has forced him to forget it even if he might. You even ask Pete what he knows, but he says nothing, still being too afraid to be around you some times due to Brendon.

"Fuck!" you scream in a desperate cry, tossing a book across the library, where it slams into a bookshelf nearly tipping it over if Gerard hadn't caught it in time.

Gerard growls out in frustration, stepping over to you, "Y/N you need to stop this! You're tearing my library apart. Stop pulling a Brendon! We will figure it out eventually, but right now I do not have the patience to deal with this. You've stressed my mind enough trying to get the answers. I merely do not remember, which yes!" he starts, placing a finger in front of your lips, "—is very unlike me. I remember every piece of knowledge I've come into hands with, but something has taken it out of my mind. Possibly even myself for the safety of all people. Somethings are not meant to be messed with or known. Why do you think I don't mention the gods?"

You resist the temptation to scream at him and calm yourself down, throwing yourself back onto the chair, stuffing your face into your knees, "He's my little brother. I can't let him die.."

"And we won't let him. You just have to have faith that we will find out what it is," Gerard finishes his point simply and you frown knowing he's correct.

              You push up from the chair and head to the door of the library to go up to Ryan's room. You're no use sulking and staying down doing nothing. It'd be better for him if you just stayed with him for a while and made him feel better about everything. You grab a bottle of ice cold water from the kitchen and head up the stairs quickly, your feet creating clicks into the quiet room.

            Approaching Ryan's room, you open the door as lightly as possible, making sure not not even make a sound or let a ray of light touch his face. The only light even visible is the few candles lit on the far side of the room away from him. A wave of heat hits your body and face as well. The piles of blankets are stacked on him like stones crushing it down, but you know this is for the best for him.

"Ryan.." you whisper out into the air, appearing by his bed slowly to meet all the unopened and now probably hot water bottles beside his bed.

             Only a small grunt is received from under the mountain of material and you slowly pull them back to let his face appear. At this point his skin is grey as light ash from the burning of pages from your favorite book. The his eyes are darker though and the originally light brown of his eyes is stained with a crystal clear whitish hue adding to it. His poor lips are chapped and his fluffy brown hair is the only thing still lively about him.

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