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No Idea what to Name this Chapter.


The dull, soft sound on Brendon's pulsing heart pounds into your ear as you nuzzle into his surprisingly warm chest. The heat from all the blankets covering you both creates such a swarm of heat that is insanely comfortable and inviting. His chest moves up and down slowly with heavy breaths that he intakes and you keep your eyes shut, just focusing on the atmosphere between you two. It's peculiarly peaceful. The softly rays of sun peak out from the black lace curtains as if to say hi and warm the apples of your cheeks lightly.

Brendon has a heavy arm wrapped around you, keeping you firm to his chest, although loose. You legs lie entangles with his, the bareness of your bodies keeping flushed together. You take in a deep breath and stretch your legs out a little, waking up from a heavy slumber like a cat.  Brendon chuckles above you, leaning back his head a bit to get a good glimpse at you.

"Morning doll," he mumbles softly, sleep lacing his voice.

"Mmmm... Morning," you say against his chest, voice cracking a little as you hide your face more into his chest, knowing you probably don't look the most attractive right now.

"You wanna sleep for another hour?" he teases, pulling your chin up to look at his deep brown eyes.

You stare at him through sleep crusted eyelashes, fluttering them softly as his face appears into view, "Mmm no.. I'm already awake."

You pull yourself up from around him, stretching your arms above your head and twisting your neck side to side to wake yourself up. The material of the blanket slips right off of you giving Brendon a full shot of your body. The chill of the room hits your skin and the hair rises from you, making you shiver slightly.

Brendon smirks at you and growls playfully, "Fuck baby. Putting on a show for me now? Confident after last night are we?"

You blush heavily and quickly grab the blankets, throwing them over your head, "No, I'm not Y/N anymore. I'm a bat!"

You giggle at your joke, pushing your head out from between the sheets, keeping the blankets wrapped around you. Brendon laughs at you loudly, holding his stomach, abs flexing under them.

"Wow my little vampire," he says through broken laughs, sitting up himself to join you.

Brendon grabs your hips over the sheets covering you and pulling you fully onto him. He leans in slowly and captures your lips tentatively, kissing you delicately, the smell of morning breath on his tongue. You hum softly and kiss him back lovingly, loving the feel of his plump lips against yours.

"Breakfast?" you inquire, pulling away from him.

Brendon nods with a smile, sticking his face into your neck, kissing over the marks that he made last night. You whimper softly at the new feeling, it waking you up slightly. The feeling on his fangs grazing across your neck and it makes you shiver as he starts to sink them into you. The familiar burn rushes through your skin and you clutch onto the side of his body to try to numb the pain.

Brendon only lies latched on for a minute before he pulls away, licking his bloodied lips with red eyes staring at you. You breathe heavily and place your head into his shoulder, resting for a minute.

"That's not what I meant..." you mumble out, feeling a soft daze over you.

Brendon chuckles lowly, "I've got to eat too baby."

You don't say anything but roll your eyes, which you know he can't see. In a swift movement, you're lifted up off the bed with the blankets crowding you in Brendon's arms. You can barely see him through it, but you can hear his feet hit the cold tile of the bathroom.

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