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Oh brother.



    My eyes seem tricked by the hands of times and a beast itself. As if the devil pulled them out and wrote into my pupil with a needle in small scripture just to fuck with my sight. I think that I have seen everything, but this is something  completely out of the normal. Out of my normal. The sight before me makes my heart ache and my brain feel like hands twisted the veins and worked a whole new system in there.


    He has this chocolate warm brown hair that waves like the waters of a clear ocean, smooth and seemingly soft to the touch. His brown eyes feel even warmer though as if someone poured an ounce of sun into them. His skin is pale, but covered completely in a long sleeved shirt and a vest tucked into black jeans resembling the beetles almost. It's a stunning look that I can't pull myself away from.

    The feeling from him seems to resemble the pounding I've gotten from Y/N, but it shouldn't be possible. I can only have one soulmate and these two specifically being sister and brother, of the same blood. Maybe that is why. The same blood relation. It could be the way it's twisting my mind of confusion. Blood being such a factor in my life, but it doesn't stop me from feeling this way. I'll still want him once he's gone.


.Regular POV.

    Brendon drags you both home with out another word spoken between you. You feel the tension beside your brother, who keep his eyes on Brendon intently, fixated as you were when you first met the bloodletting vampire. Though Brendon's little trance from before startled you in such a way that you can't explain. The fact that the golden eyes that he held were the ones that he'd constantly stare at you with. The color of such gold of how he sees you. Delicate and wanted by so many.

"I thought you were dead," Ryan finally speaks out into the tension ridden air, which someone couldn't easily cut through with a knife.

Your feet sound the crunching of leaves as you walk behind Brendon, Ryan close to your side as you breathe out a response, "I know.. I'm sorry..."

The pain still sides with you on the fact that they had suffered through your "death" and it wasn't even true.

"But you've been here... In these woods... Why?" Ryan inquires, his chocolate eyes burrowing into your own (E/C) ones. There's obvious anger on his voice, even though hidden.

"Well... I-I meant to come back Ryan.. Well after Brendon saved me. I did try to kill myself and I'm so sorry... I never knew how much it would affect you.. It was so selfish. Fuck I'm so sorry!" You clutch you face within your hands as the waterworks pour out in furious streams.

A hand is placed on your shoulder reassuringly by Ryan, the warmth of his palm connecting with your cold skin, "I forgive you ok..."

You give a broken half smile to him, wiping away the tears as quickly as they come, and nod softly, "How did you get here? I thought you were going to kill yourself... but you obviously aren't."

Ryan looks down to the grown, the waves of his hair bouncing slightly and he kicks a pile of dampened leaves, "I was sent."

    Suddenly you both slam into the back of Brendon as he pulls himself to an erupt stop. His head cranes back and his eyes dig into the both of you, but mostly Ryan, who had just spoken out the words causing the scene.

"Who? Who sent you?" You'd expect Brendon's words to come out harsh and angered, but they aren't. The words are soft with curiosity.

Ryan eyes meet his and he runs his tongue along the bottom of his chapped lips, "Sarah..."

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