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"May I kiss you?"

You stare into his deep, alluring brown eyes that remind you of hot chocolate on a harsh winter day when all you want to do is lie curled up in a fluffy blanket on the couch and watch your favorite shows. You lean forward to him, wanting this. You felt sure of it.

Though within the brown you see the flicker of red that reminds you of all the horrible things he's done and how he's gotten so close when only moments before all this, you were in utter hate of his being.

"I'm the king of all vampires. Therefore I have a bit more special blood. I can mind control and read the minds of humans who don't carry the disease in their blood."

The reminder of his voice ringing in your head from a month ago when you first met him makes your body seemingly loose all feeling and your head pound. You yank away from his grasp in fury, your blood boiling at the thought. You gasp and stare him down with wide eyes.

"Y-You!!!!" You scream out, your voice raspy with hate, "You fucking used mind control on me! To get me to bend to your will and like you!"

Brendon's whole stature changes within a second from the over confidence that he once held and into the defeated body he once held before, "Wait! Y/N!" He reaches his arm out to you lightly.

"No! Get the fuck away from me! How do I know if I'm even fucking doing this myself?! You fucking asshole! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Tears stream down your face as if someone had injected a river in your eyes and broke the dam so it all came rushing out at once.

The tears aren't from actually feeling attached to him for once or even that he physically hurt you, but from the continuous betrayal you felt and all sense of self, that now seems lost that you couldn't even trust. Your beating heart, the only one alive in the whole place, thumps loudly, so much so that everyone from inside filters out of the foyer and into the front garden. You probably radiate fear and anger.

Brendon jerks his head at the words you speak, his whole body yanking at itself as if his bones are fighting against his flesh. The tendons and veins in his neck show through, pulsing and tight. His hands clench into compressed fists and he holds his body close together.

You can see the obvious fight for control over his animalistic side. Your words always trigger something within him. You slightly feel bad for what you've done to him, but in the end he deserves this. He deserves to fight with himself over his control and the pain you cause yourself.

"Brendon!" Pete's voice rings out from behind you, making you whip around to see him rushing toward Brendon at a quick speed. Your eyes can't even catch up with him as he passes by you.

Pete grabs Brendon's body tightly, yanking him up from the hunched over position that he holds over himself. Brendon's head flashes up in one quick piston motion and stares dead on at you, his eyes flickering from black to brown to red. You can tell the excruciating pain he's putting himself through.

It somewhat strikes deep fear into you that he's willing to do this for you. It's insanely hard for a vampire like him to pull himself out of his more animalistic side and it's painful as well on their bodies. You read about it in the book Gerard had given you on the supernatural.

Vampries are like other supernatural and even humans in the way they act. When provoked, they fight back just as a human would or any other animal. Except the factor of vampires having super strength and speed to counter act the fact of them being like human. This makes their loss of control much harder when they are provoked.

Wicked | Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now