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-chapter 20! Holy shit guys we're nearing the end!!! (Jokes) I'd like to take a moment and thank you all so fucking much! Over 950 votes and 22k reads. You guys are insane. Sorry for the delay, but I have been on break and holiday so I've been taking a long time to rest and rejuvenate! This chapter actually made me cry to write because I just found it so sad to write so I hope you enjoy! More to come soon. I love writing this. Thank you all again so very much and I hope you enjoy reading. Be sure to comment a lot, VOTE, and of course share with friends, put it on your reading lists so people can see it and much more. Sharing really means a lot to me. I just want people to enjoy my writing.






"Brendon?" you say through the heavy, looming smoke that lies a soft veil over the room.

                 You step forward toward the figure you see oh so lightly. The monotone colors of grey and black clothing come into view as all is as silent as the white light coming from the hanging stars above your head. You take in a heavy breath as you gaze forward, capturing the familiar face that you've known all too well with the new ivory light framing his face and all too enrapturing golden brown orbs staring back into yours. The same disheveled black hair and muscularly thin outlines form the embodiment of the man before you.

"You've got me?" you hear not the familiar rasp of the harsher Brendon or the air light voice of the other, but one that is a perfect mixture of both, a melody of such.

You step forward slowly to him, looking up lightly to his shimmering gold eyes, "I've got you."

                 You place a hand to his face hesitantly, cupping the smooth jaw in your hand, admiring the complexion of his glowing skin that reminds you of the sun. A flicker of gold specks float through his eyes that dim lit stars and it causes your face to break out into a smile. He's true and back to himself.

"Good, because I've got you too," he whispers out as if he can't believe his own words.

                   Suddenly Brendon's arms move around you quickly and he pulls you close to his dress shirt clad chest. Your hands instantly find their way to one placed on his chest and another on his shoulder. He chuckles lightly at the sight of your trust in him and he spins you around quickly, the strength of him lifting you up into the air. You're eyes widen up a little and a giggle leaves your lips.

               As soon as you're up, he puts you back down with the bright smile that you don't ever remember seeing, "Thank you so much for saving me. Part of me can't believe I did that to myself for so long and treated you like that."

You frown slightly at his words, it seeming that he has two sides still in him that he cant control, "Brendon... are you back to your original self or are you still like 2 different parts of you in your body? Please don't lie to me."

"No I'm back to my original self for sure. Like there isn't two voices in my head screaming at a one and other and forcing me to do things, but there's this odd feeling in me. I was separated for so long and all of a sudden I have it all back at once, so theres both parts of me that feel slightly separated still. Like I know the bad sides memories so well, the good side was recollecting them differently. So I'm not separated and not crazy and not like struggling with two different sides. I'm just not how I was before this whole thing. I'm different."

"Wow that's a lot to take in..."

Brendon nods softly and sighs, "I know, I'm sorry."

You nod simply and just bring back a smile to him.

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