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Don't save me.



           "Hey what are you doing!?" You hear a loud shout call through the air as you throw yourself into the gaping jaws of the river. 

It was too late. 

           The water enveloped your body in a sudden crash, taking over all parts of  your body. The water felt like ice shards being thrust into the nerves covering your body. The stones you land on feel as if they break your bones, but the shocks of pain don't even register due to the chilling sensations of the water drowning it out. You choke on it all as it fills your lungs. All you can see is the water's bubbles surrounding your body as you sink due to the current shock that encompasses your body. 

This is the end. 

I'm coming dad. 

        A sudden rumble flashes beside you and the water distributes around you differently, shoving you to side slightly. You body stays frozen in it's place again and you let your eyes close so the river waves can take you. Your throat clenches tightly and all the breath leaves your lungs once for all as if someone has punched you in the gut. You head spins and everything feels light around you, as if you were floating on a cloud. 

Guess you're Queen of the clouds. 

          It all seems to only last for a moment when your body is enclosed within what feels to be a pair of arms. Your limp body is dragged out of the water and thrown on the shore with the soft grunts of another person. A male. His breath is heavy in the already thick air. You long lost in the clouds to even notice the change in scenery. 

            Suddenly his hands are on you, pushing down on your chest fiercely with a strength unrecognizable by any person. The pressure felt like it could snap your ribs in one foul swoop if hit correctly. Though it brought your body into a convulsion and all the missing air you desperately needed came rushing back into your lungs. 

         You eyes flash open suddenly, a choked gasp leaving your throat, your lungs have a soft burn to them as you take in the air. Rays of sunlight burn into your newly opened eyes, forcing them shut once again. You let out a hoarse dry cough that only made the burn in your throat worse.

     Bringing a hand to your eyes to block out the sunlight, you finally get a sight of the unknown area around you. It's not the normal bedroom you know from your home. It's a totally different place from the home you knew. This room was a cage, with black walls pulling everything into a box. The furniture was a blood red with black accents accentuating the gothic look of it all. Though it seemed more modern rather than old. Everything was spotless and placed perfectly. 

Too perfectly.

         Pushing up on the silk white sheets, you let out a soft grunt, it feeling like you had to use all of the energy in your body to get up only a couple of inches. You fingers clenched around the material, your body aching for you to stop all of  your movements that you were making. Everything seemed to have a strain on your body. Though that is what you get for throwing yourself into a river, isn't it?

"You're finally awake," a low voice erupts from the opposite side of the room you were gazing into. The sound startled you,sending your view to the other side instantly to locate the sound of the mysterious figure. 

            The figure before you was about average height of most men, his hair was flipped back elegantly, as if not a hair was out of place except for the one hanging over on his forehead in a slight curl. His eyes shone a dark oak brown, melting into your own (E/C) ones. They pierced yours harshly, though not giving off any emotion. They were clandestine. His skin had an icy flare to it, glistening slightly and tempting with how smooth it looked. Only a few freckles lined his face, though it gave him a bit more dimension. His lips were a high lighted feature on his face, being plump and full, looking nurtured and softly glazed by a line of spit. Though that was nothing against the sight of his forehead. It was bigger than most you had seen, but it gave his face a bit more character and didn't ruin his the entirety of his face . 

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