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                2 months pass by like nothing to you as the chaotic and mess Brendon finds himself in over his brother possibly coming back any time frightening every ounce of his being. His appearance around you lies sparse and almost nonexistent. It's as if he feeling that by ignoring you equals no problems exist around you. Part of this feels good to you as you actually feel safe for once in the vicinity of him and you've felt you've needed more space than ever recently. Though it keeps you in an obvious place where the relationship that you and Brendon have barely brought up is nonexistent now. The months have all passed by aimlessly the whole time you've been here and it's put you in a place where you can only imagine where all the time gone.

Nothing and everything feels like it's happened.

                Your head leans lightly into Pete's shoulder as you both lounge across the couch, staring at the blurring picture to you on the screen. It's one of the only things that seem normal to you. Pete's arm is wrapped around you strongly, but also with the gentlest touch imaginable. The heaviness of the black fluffy blanket weighs down on both your bodies as you melt into the plush leather couch.

                 Pete has become your blanket almost in this whole new adventure you've found. He's become your best friend and practically your only reliable person. Ryan seems too risky as Brendon made it clear by Mason's obvious control that he had on Ryan even past the borders. Though Ryan in your eyes has now become normal once again and just like he had been before the whole thing besides being traumatized by it all. Though Pete overall has become the only person who has reason and makes you feel safer than even a butterfly. His whole presence sets a whole calmness to you. Almost like an older brother that you never had.

                 You know that Brendon has him spending so much time with you based on solely the fact that he wants you watched all the time in fear and that Pete is his most trusted person as well. You know that he would even give his life for Pete if he had to, although it's Pete's job to hold that responsibility. Though you couldn't ask for a better person besides maybe Gerard, but that adventure would be one that not even you could handle. The adventure with Pete had been plenty enough for you as Pete's idea of "babysitting" isn't exactly as Brendon would have it.

"So you wanna see something that is fun to do around here?" Pete chuckles out with a sly smile creeping off of his face.

You narrow your eyes to the side, giving him back a sly glance and smile, "What would you have in mind my good sir?"

             You bow ever so lightly down to him with a small curtsy as a mock to the society. Pete laughs loudly at you and does the same, bowing in theatric manner which only forced a loud eruption of laughter.

"Well my lovely queen, I've decided to take you to a place in the palace that you've never been before. A place of wonder and amazement. Somewhere so forbidden that Brendon would probably kill me if I show it to you," Pete flails his hands about and speeds out the end of the sentence without a single breath to make an idea to you of the true "severity" of it.

"Alright then sir, please take me to where I shall not be allowed by the awful king."

You place out your hand for him to take and lead you and he simply laughs and grabs it softly and then yanks it tightly to his chest, "You better hope you made the right choice my dear."

                  In a sudden burst, Pete flies forward through the hallway of the manor and the familiar pictures across the wall shake a little as he does. The speeding through the house thing has really become a norm to you yet. It's the only way Pete really likes to get around and you think that may he enjoys his powers much more than he should. Though not even once have you seen or heard of him drinking.

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