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It's my turn



                  I peer through the crack of the door to the scene of my love, Pete, and Dallon. She's snuggled into Pete's side with a bright smile that I can only wish to have. Dallon has her legs across his lap with a laugh leaving his mouth as he tickles her feet, sending her into a fit of laughter herself. Pete rolls his eyes at both of them, shoving Y/N back at Dallon and tickling the under side of her arms as well, sending her more into a squealing mess.

                My heart aches at the sight. She's got more of a relationship with them than she will ever have with me. I feel that I've tried the hardest to win over her heart, but deep down I've realized that maybe I've tried way too hard. I've put her into a pace where she can't like me because she's too focused on all the horrible shit that I've done to her in such a short period of time. She has no reason to love me.

                 But what I know is that it's all true. That her heart belongs to me unlike no other. As much as she wants to deny it. I can't. My heart thumps when I see her and everything goes dizzy. With Sarah it was always so easy to love her and it came naturally. That's what made her my soulmate. But with Y/N, it's so different. It's not difficult to love her, but everything that comes with her is difficult. The hold back on myself to not ravage her blood or to turn her immediately. To not let my supernaturalistic abilities and animalistic blood to ruin her. I remember clearly telling Ryan that was my plan and part of me feels that way. Though I don't ever want to let her go from my grasp so I can just protect her.

              I've asked Pete one too many times what to do since he is so aware of everything about her and all he ever tells me is to just be honest with her and not to act too much as I have a tendency to do. He says just to change into a casual outfit that I would typically wear instead of my gold suits and sparkles. Which now I'm going to do.

            Taking a deep breath, I push open the door softly and not as I usually would with a slam to make people know of my presence. Even without the loud slam, their heads all cock around to face me and they all go silent. Dallon swallows thickly and pushes her legs back off of him and shuffles up from his spot.

"Oh hey Brendon. I was just about to get back to—" he starts in a rush of words.

"Don't worry about it dude. Go take a break or something. Go practice at Mario Kart, I plan to beat your ass in it later," I interrupt him brushing it off as I usually would have back when things were ok. Before Sarah died he wasn't around, but that's always how I was. Though I was even that way when I met Dallon.

His eyes light up a bit with a huge grin crossing his face, "Alright man. I see you later then?"

I give him a nod and look back over to Pete and Y/N who are both sat on the couch in a straight position, Y/N's head facing her lap a little and Pete toying with his lip.

"Hey Pete, would you mind giving me a moment alone with Y/N?" I ask, stuffing my hands into my pocket and tapping my foot softly.

            A look crosses across Pete's face in almost protest, but he swallows his tongue and nods softly, getting up from his seat. Y/N looks at him sadly as he moves away. I bite my lip from saying anything, but the bit of rage and jealousy boils. He pats her head softly and leaves the room, leaving an agonizing tension in the room.

              My eyes follows him out and once the door shuts, my eyes fall onto her. She sits, staring up at me with soft eyes, legs crossed and hands placed neatly over them. I let out a heavy sigh as I sit down on the couch beside her. She doesn't move, but I can feel how she feels. I can hear the voice in her head screaming about what I might do. I try to block it out as I focus on her.

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