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The boys.


            "You're finally awake. I hope I don't have to say that many more times to you. I've said it two days in a row." You wake up to the to the sound of Brendon's voice crowding in your ear. It probably would've made you sick if it didn't sound so smooth .

"Ugh," you groan out, trying to push yourself up off of the bed into a sitting position. It almost seems as if you've done this before...

"Now sugar, I think it's about time you met everyone and got to know the house considering the is going to be your home for... Well, forever." He chuckles at his own statement, making you eyes narrow at his with disgust. When he catches glimpse of your look and turns back to a straight face and coughs.

"Anyways, you need to get up and get dressed. I filled the closet on the left of the room for you while you were asleep. Everything you need should be in there," He gets up from the bed, walking to the the big black door that you last saw when you passed out last time, "Oh and when you come down, no wandering. Just go down the stairs and I'll meet you. Got it?" He stares you down, his chocolate eyes boring into your own.

"Yes Brendon..." You choke out quietly, but it's enough for him to hear you. He gives a small nod and goes through the door, shutting it, leaving you completely alone.

           You throw your legs over the side of the bed, the cold wood of the floor grazing against the bottoms of your feet. It sends a shiver up your body and the hairs on your arms and legs to stand up. A loud, heavy sigh leaves your lips as you push off the bed making your way to the closet on the left.

          When you fling open the door to the closet, bright yellowish white lights shine out onto you to display the hallway of clothes Brendon has displayed out for you. The walls are lined with jackets of all colors and designs, drawers full of all types of shirts, shorts, pants, skirts, you name it. Even a separate pull out wall of elegant ball gown dresses that look like they could be worth millions. How could he pay for all of this and how did he have your exact size? Even the countless drawers of underwear and bras were all the right size and boy does Brendon have a thing for black lace.

          You grab a pair of black lace underwear, a black bra, and a short black dress to go on top just so you don't have to waste time go through everything. You match it with a pair of black converse and a beanie just to finish off the look. Hopefully Brendon likes it. Not that you care, but also he might care enough to get angry at you, so you should care a little bit.

         After you finish dressing, you move to the huge, body sized mirror with lights surrounding the rim, that shows off your completed outfit. You see the few bruises  marked up your legs and arms, but they have almost all gone away. You don't remove the gauze you put of your arms and wrists though, not wanting to give hurting yourself another chance. Also Brendon had probably added a few more bruises to the mix from the incident yesterday.

         You tilt your neck to the side, to see if theres a blistering wound left from where Brendon had bit you. Though when you look, there happens to not be one at all. Not even a scar. Your skin just lies smooth and soft. How did it go away already?

       Shaking the thought off, you make your way out of the closet and out of the room to meet Brendon. When met with the hallway, theres three ways to go. Left or right, which both have a long corridor, the wall paper being a soft charcoal grey and lantern like lights that give it a soft eerie glow. It almost seems gothic victorian. Then the long two way stair case that leads into a huge foyer. Brendon stands at the bottom under the bright light of the crystal chandelier right above it.

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