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The real truth.


               You slowly brush off the ash from your dress that Lucifer gave to you. It's a put black dress, with the long sleeves and it goes down to your feet almost like a ballgown, but more so an early 1900s look, making you look almost like the princesses in the book. You look into the cracked mirror and sigh heavily as you look at your form. There's a cut running across your cheek in a large streak and your hair looks perfect to the touch as Lucifer herself did you hair. She'd been accommodating in the past month to you as more and more of the truth faded in and out of her about her past and Brendon's.

              It wasn't something you couldn't quite wrap your head around was how he was so brutal about it all when he came back to speak to you every now and then. He was the one who marked your cheek and just the thought of it, makes your stomach sick to the touch. You'd been undeniably nauseous here and you can only assume due to the stress of being here and the stress that Brendon put on you ever time you saw him down here.

            A knock pulls you from your thoughts instantly and you turn your head over your shoulder to the door and raise a brow. Could it be Lucifer, Emperor, or Brendon? You sigh heavily and head over to the door quickly, swinging the door to your room open to make a half smiling emperor come into view. He looks a bit nervous and worried as you stand in front of you, but he keeps a tall stance.

"Hi, Emp." You smile softly and he nods to you, bowing his head slightly.

"Hello. Queen Lucifer has asked me to bring you to the throne room for the appearance of our new guest," he motions out the door.

              You simply nod and move past him with poise as she had taught you. Lucifer had spent the past month teaching you all about Queen things, saying more women needed to be in power and that God was trying to keep women from power since he was scared of them. She taught you about how to act properly and conduct yourself as a queen since you are soon to be one if you ever get back to your home.

                 Emp heads quickly before you as he gets to the door of the throne room and opens it slowly for you. You close your eyes tightly and slowly step into the large room and take a breath, raising your head slowly to capture the view of Lucifer sitting at her throne with a pleased look on her face. In front of her is the towering beat that is Beelzebub. His red hair is prominent and the ripped fabric of his green jacket catches you eye.

               But what is blaring in the room like nothing else is Brendon, who is clutched in the hand of him by the collar of his shirt. He squirms like a worm in his hand and kicks and fusses as Beelzebub holds him. You choke on your breath as you see him. A burning fire in you wants to scream at him for hurting you since he's now at a place where he can't touch you. But you keep your poise and slowly step toward him, the click of your heels, that are abnormally uncomfortable, ringing through the air.

               His head turns over his shoulder to see who is approaching and his eyes widen when they land on you. He looks you up and down quickly and looks over your frame, taking in the whole new look you possess and everything about your stature. As you slowly approach him with a frown, slightly bringing your fingers up to your cheek, remembering the pain.

"Y/N!" he cries out in shock, almost as if he hasn't seen you in forever and he kicks and screams in Beelzebub's hold, trying to get out from the grip.

                You stare at him with big eyes as he fights back against the beast. Beelzebub looks at him with an annoyed glance and looks to Lucifer, for her to nod, before he drops him hard to the ground, He lets out a loud groans as he hits the floor and whines softly as you see him push up off the ground. He's wearing only a white shirt and black jeans, with a pair of black converse. He looks super plain, but still the man you fell in love with immensely. You try to hold down the pang in your heart, but you can't pull your eyes away from him.

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