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The Emperor of the Dark. 


               "What's this? A human?" A voice rings out into the air, but it's not like any other voice. It low, dark and the words roll out smoothly, almost with a brutal choke behind it, though it does have a slight familiarity to it, "Has Brendon finally decided to feed me?"

The sound of bones popping sends you flashing around, trying to figure out where the noise is coming from, though it's not in one place, it's everywhere around you, "Feed you? I'm not food. Where are you?" You call out into the darkness, hoping you can get some response.

"Oh darling, you are nothing but food. You are human. I can smell it on you. Is that why Brendon took you then?" His words make sense. A vampire sustenance is blood, which is gained from a human or animal, which Brendon is. You are his food supply. Though you're his "soulmate".

"No. He says I'm his soulmate so you're wrong!" You shout out, not believing it yourself still, though anything to convince whatever this is that you aren't food. 

"Soulmate?" A deep chuckle erupts from the darkness, "Oh darling, don't be deceived. That creature couldn't love or be loved even if he wanted to. He's built from me you see. He carries my blood. Therefore, he can not be loved nor love." 

"From you? Does that mean he's your son? Where are you?! Come out into the light and show yourself!" You shout fearfully into what seems to be a dark, empty room.

"I am the dark darling. But maybe I'll change into something more suitable for you to see with your weak eyes," The voice hisses out. You look around confused until the darkness of the room, clouds away and changes into something completely else.

     The area stays pitch black against the walls, but the ground turns to a glass feeling dark grey sand. Bones lie scattered across the place, sending symbols that this being really was being fed by Brendon. They were all human carcasses. The light shines only on them, insinuating the fear building up inside of you.   

            Though the original darkness changed into a cloud of black smoke which amalgamated into a being. This being stands like no other. Its body lies a dark bluish grey, with a large symbol engraved and protruding out of his chest. He's only dressed up in black jeans, where the rest is exposed. His fingers have long black claws that look sharp enough to cut a person's body in half like in cartoons. Moving your gaze up his body reveals long horns sticking out his head with more engraving along the side of it's face. Though the face is familiar. Way too familiar for comfort. 

It's Brendon.

"You seemed shocked darling. You weren't expecting me were you?" His face turns into a twisted smile showing off a pair of sharper, fangs than Brendon even has. 

"W-who are you?" Your voice quivers as you move away from him slowly.

He steps forward, matching your motions and you take a deep breath, "Well darling, I'm The Emperor of the dark." 

      Your mouth falls open in shock, not able to comprehend this all at once. This is Satan, Lucifer, Brendon look a like? Your body shakes lightly, your finger tips tingling with fear and all the hair on your body standing straight up. Goosebumps trail up your body and your spine might as well be ripped out at how much is feels like jelly in your body. 

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