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What to do.


                  You fall in drop dead in shock at the conversation that perspired between the two of them. You can feel an ache in your stomach as if bile is rising up your throat and you shiver heavily. Your heart thumps in your throat as you place your hand to the door of the office, trying to keep your balance as you feel a haze wash over you. You shakil push open the door to reveal the two men before you, faces fired up red and tangled in the mess of the issue at the moment. Brendon's fists are clenched around his face as he shakes his head at the troubling thoughts that must be haunting every inch of his mind. Pete stands beside him with a cautious hand on his shoulder in a comforting fashion, rubbing up and down his arm.

"B-Brendon... Pete.." you choke out as you can feel the flames of your waterline, threatening to break the barrier between your cheeks and watergates.

                   Brendon's head instantly throws up from his dilapidated state and his eyes are as red as yours, but he quickly shoves Pete's hand off and rushes over to you, grabbing your face softly within his palms, the rough feeling of the skin caressing your smooth cheeks. He pulls your face up to look into your eyes to search for any damage on your face and he pulls you flush to him. You rest your hands onto his shoulders, legs wobbling a bit from the haze from before crowding you.

"Doll... I—" he strains to choke out the words, his voice cracked and attacked by the fear manifesting within him from what had just happened.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why the fuck didn't you tell me that this was going to happen Brendon?" You make the words out assertively as you cut him off, but not with anger, even though part of you is flashing through these thoughts.

"I— I didn't want to admit it. I wanted to figure it out on my own and find another way, but... there isn't. I want there to be, but I can't find one. I don't want to loose you or the baby. But the only way to do that is to risk both your lives with changing you and it's a risk I don't know if I'm willing to take. Pete suggests that we kill the baby and then... turn you so when you are a vampire, you can be pregnant again, but I could never ask that of you," he admits the whole situation in full, not giving any blank details or mess that might get mixed up in it, but the whole truth.

                 It forced you to think back on when you originally got pregnant and everything that was so overwhelming to you about it all. The sudden news that Brendon put upon you that was such a switch from the normal kind of way that people told people about their pregnancy. They told their lover or the doctor told them, but to your recollection, Brendon was not a doctor.

           "Finally home..." Brendon breathes as he steps out of the portal with his hand latched tightly in yours.

"Welcome back. That took you a total of a minute. Love how time works there," Gerard pipes in and steps over to your both with Pete, who looks white and sickly on his tail.

"Pete!" you cry out in shock and let go of Brendon's hand, rushing over to your best friend and latching your arms around his neck, pulling him into the deepest hug you can manage, "Thank you so so much..." you breathe into the material of his white shirt.

Pete doesn't answer immediately, just rubbing out the creases of your dress on the back, a soothing feeling to it, "Anything for you. You know that."

"We have your soul back," you say as you pull away slowly, stepping over to Brendon and pulling the black orb out of his back and holds it out to Pete.

Pete stares in confusion at the orb and takes it back into his hands, his face filling back up with slight color and the orb sinks into his palms, "How did you manage to get this back? I'm sure Lucifer wasn't easy with her request." He points out.

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