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-I can't believe we've gotten to a seventh chapter. I usually never get this far. I usually just give up and quit writing. Though for this I'm really devoted!-

-Also not sorry about this picture.


Pepe Wentz (Fun Story about this name. I'll tell it at the end of the story.)


You carry yourself downstairs after the sudden moment with Brendon, despite his request for you to stay in the room. You had washed yourself up and changed into a pair of black jeans and a Queen shirt. You didn't bother with the shoes due to the fact that you actually don't leave the house and without shoes, you're much more quiet.

Once you get down stairs you find that the front door has been replaced with Pete instead of Dallon and Spencer. He's leaned back against the frame as if he actually doesn't care, his hair swept over the side, the heap of straight black covering one eye. His eyes are pressed down, looking at the floor, obviously disinterested in standing there.

"Hey Pete," You call out as you reach the end of the stairs, a small thump sounding as you hit the last stair.

His eyes flicker up from his converse and meet your own, "Hey (Y/N). What are you doing out of your room?" He asks the question playfully and not serious like most would've done. It'd odd.

"I didn't want to be cooped up there.." I mutter out, rubbing my palm against the roughness of the gauze on my arms.

"Fair enough. I hate being cooped up here at this door. Trying to guard it and all this shit. You're not gonna escape on me, are you?" He sighs out exasperatedly and winks at you as he mentions the running away part. You partly consider it, but don't by the way he is talking.

"I was planning on it, but I guess not," You giggle out and fidget with the gauze on your arm once again.

Pete's eyes move down to it and he furrows his brows together, "You know you don't have to be scared of me right? I'm not gonna hurt you. I have no intention to."

The sound of Pete's voice is probably the most reassuring one you've had in the 3 days you've been here.

"I can't help but be afraid... You might drain me." You hum out, biting your lip unsure.

He nods knowingly, "I can understand that, but I don't actually suck blood that often. I'm more of a steak guy myself," He chuckles and winks at you.

You stare at him in disbelief, "Wait you guys can survive off of animal blood and meat?"

"Well yeah of course. Most of us don't prefer to, though a few of us see it more fit then to hurt human or other creatures. Though we do need a dose of human blood every now and then," he explains to you as if it's nothing new.

"Wait... Brendon could drink animal blood instead of human?"

Pete laughs at you, "Oh doll, you would wish he would no? Brendon can really only drink human hun. Animal blood would make him sick. And-"

Before he can finish I cut in, maybe too eagerly, "He could die?"

Pete narrows his eyes at you, "Not unless Brendon was trying to kill himself by drinking animal blood everyday. Then no. The only reason he's required to drink human blood is because it has higher power content than regular animal blood does. It's richer and smoother." Pete licks his lips lightly at the thought, eyes fixated on you.

"Please don't eat me while you're thinking about my blood," You frown at him and he winks suddenly.

"Nah. I'm just messing with you doll. So why don't we get to know each other?"

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