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-WARNING! SMUT!! (probably very shitty, that's also a warning.)

Also let's take a moment to appreciate some of my favorite commenters! (More will be added next chapter! Be sure to comment and vote!)








"I love you too," he mummers between the kiss, rubbing circles into your hips, "Fuck I want you. Now."

              You shiver at his words, the sound of them sending jolts up your spine and making you melt into his arms like jelly. The chattering of the party around you drowns out into the atmosphere as you focus on Brendon. The feeling of his plump lips hot against your own is enough to make you forget everything that you've ever felt wrong about him. The exchanged heat between you two leaves you out of breathe as you gaze into his melting chocolate eyes.

"What about the party?" you mumble out against his lips, the brushing of yours against his so soft to the touch.

You can feel Brendon's annoyed sigh caress the peaks of your cheeks, "Fuck em. You're mine."

                 Brendon's arms lift you up his body easily, his strength unmatchable. You yelp softly at how fast he takes you up, your legs instantly wrapping around the tops of his hips, locking yourself into place. Your arms latch around his neck and the feeling of his abs flexing underneath your own body is enough to send your head fuzzy. You lets your fingers work their ways into the ends of his soft, brunette hair, your hands working the strands.

               Brendon swiftly carries you into the mansion, traveling up the stairs in a speed of light that you can't even comprehend as the view of the black walls of his bed room meet your eyes. As the slamming of the door is shut, your back abruptly collides into the hard surface, sending your breath out of you a bit. Your eyes capture Brendon's face, which is flushed in lust, his eyes devoured in it.

                 Brendon's hands slip underneath the material of you sweatshirt slowly as his hands meet your hips. He rubs circles into your skin as he dives in for your neck. You tilt you head up a little for him to have more room, a soft thump when your head hits the back of the wall. His hot lips press right underneath the back of your jaw, sucking softly on your pulse which you know is pounding. You whimper softly in pleasure as he traces soft circles on the spot of your neck.

                      Running your fingers into his hair and tugging on the soft strands, you roll down against him instinctively, feeling him grow underneath you quickly. A soft groan from Brendon appears as you do so, his hot breath fanning your neck.

"Fuck doll," he mummers against your skin with a slight growl.

               As soon as the words leave his mouth, he's back on your neck, nibbling down the frame of it, making sure not to leave any place untouched. His hands squeeze and grab at your sides, moving up your body quickly. His hands send shocks up your body and you can feel the heat radiating off of you. Your face is flushed and you're repressing even the smallest moans.

Brendon's lips meet the peak of your collarbones, letting them pay extra attention to the area, he groans out against your skin, "So fucking beautiful doll. I love seeing you with my marks all over your skin. So fucking gorgeous.."

Wicked | Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now