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Alright so here is what it is. I got the points down and the name choices and everything. I added up the most liked names and wanted to share. The reason that you guys had to pick a 1st and 2nd is because I added them up and stuff for middle names.

So here are the top 4 names for each!


Evangeline - with 85 points

Willow - with 80 points

Sarah - with 75 points

Avalynn - with 30 points


James - with 105 points

Oliver - with 85 points

Finn - with 50 points

Jonathan - with 35 points


So I'm having a huge trouble with putting these names together for a first and middle name. So I'm going to put choices down below and you pick your favorite.

Girls * by my favorite.

*Evangeline Willow Urie

Evangeline Sarah Urie

*Sarah Evangeline Urie

Evangeline Avalynn Urie


because all these names sound so good. I will put a dot by my favorites if you need help.

James Oliver Urie

* Oliver James Urie

* James Oliver-Finn Urie

Oliver James-Finn Urie

* Jonathan Oliver-James Urie


*** Jonathan-Oliver James-Finn Urie (it's just so fucking extra like Brendon. I had to.)



The Return


             The lingering thirst always hit at your stomach whenever you closed your eyes for too long. You could never believe that your body was made for hosting two children inside of you. Your body, before the turning, was already immensely weak due to being anemic, but now that you had turned your body was immensely stronger, but you haven't gotten the chance to truthfully change like everyone else had before. Something about their blood being as strong as Brendon's in a way as Gerard had explains and also the fact that you are super close to your due date.

A week away.


            You turn your head over your shoulder to see Pete hanging on the doorway to the garden, where you sit on the edge of the fountain, the yellow roses threateningly close to pricking your skin. You place your hands on your large bump, looking down at it lovingly as you sense his presence inching closer and closer to you. The soft wind kisses your bare skin, the only fabric on your skin, the sheer silk dress that Nicole had put together for you as you outgrew the rest of them easily.

"Yeah," you breathe softly, closing your eyes for a moment, imagining the hunger rumbling in your stomach.

           You can hear the small steps of Pete's boots as he steps down the steps into the front garden, his moves meshing in with the soft swishes of the trees. He hadn't mentioned anything about your turning and you honestly avoided it with him. You knew how much it scared him and how much he didn't want it at all. It was a hard choice you had to make between your life and your best friends. You knew he would do anything for you and you choose his choice for him.

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